Rampant Teenage Sex
[This one is a doozy....]
from Slate
[According to the Washington Post, The Boston Herald, and the Las Angelos Times oral sex is rampant among teenagers!
This is just one of those "well, duh" moments. Hollywood AND television glamorize the promiscuous lifestyle and really have become quite blatant or graphic in their depictions of "simulated" sex. Gee, guys, way to go~~what a wonderful role model you all have become!
But according to Slate, there is another horrific rise in teenage sexual experimentation~~of which they said it best:]
Ass Backwards
The media's silence about rampant anal sex.
By William Saletan
"Talking to your kids about oral sex is the easy part.[Did I hear a huge gasp out there?] If you're going to be frank about the most dangerous widespread activity revealed in the survey, you're looking at the wrong end of the digestive tract.
There's no delicate way to put this, so I'll just quote the survey report:
For males, the proportion who have had anal sex with a female increases from 4.6 percent at age 15 to 34 percent at ages 22–24; for females, the proportion who have had anal sex with a male increases from 2.4 percent at age 15 to 32 percent at age 22–24.
One in three women admits to having had anal sex by age 24. By ages 25 to 44, the percentages rise to 40 for men and 35 for women. And that's not counting the 3.7 percent of men aged 15 to 44 who've had anal sex with other men."
[While STD's can be transmitted through oral sex, it is more difficult to contract them this way; however, anal sex transmits these diseases quite effectively. Check out the CDC's report earlier this year]
"...the probability of HIV acquisition by the receptive partner in unprotected oral sex with an HIV carrier is one per 10,000 acts. In vaginal sex, it's 10 per 10,000 acts. In anal sex, it's 50 per 10,000 acts.
Do the math. Oral sex is 10 times safer than vaginal sex. Anal sex is five times more dangerous than vaginal sex and 50 times more dangerous than oral sex. Presumably, oral sex is far more frequent than anal sex. But are you confident it's 50 times more frequent?
If you live in Bergen County, N.J., congratulations. You get the only newspaper in the world that mentioned heterosexual anal sex, albeit briefly, in its write-up of the survey. Two other papers buried it in lines of statistics below their articles; the rest completely ignored it. [Typical~~majority of these papers only report whatever supports their agendas for the day, week, month, year.....]
Evidently anal sex is too icky to mention in print. But not too icky to have been tried by 35 percent of young women and 40 to 44 percent of young men—or to have killed some of them.
The spin that activists, scholars, and journalists have put on the survey—that abstinence-only sex education is driving teenagers to an epidemic of oral sex—doesn't hold up. As the survey report notes, data 'suggest that there was little or no change (accounting for sampling error) in the proportion of males 15-19 who had ever had heterosexual oral or anal sex between 1995 and 2002.' The more interesting numbers are in the next age bracket up—and the next orifice down.
I understand why we fixate on the oral sex numbers. Even liberals can digest sexual revolutions only one taboo at a time. We think oral sex is the new frontier. We think talking about it in print and sex education classes makes us hip and candid. It doesn't."
[By NOT teaching chastity (abstinence) and purity, to our young people ~~just makes us accomplices to murder..theirs..when they die from lack of guidance from the supposed "community who is supposed to be raising them": it takes a village~~well, the villages in America have earned an 'F' on their ability to raise children. Then the intrusive courts are undermining parental authority every chance they get.
Umm, IF I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd say there is some sort of global population control going on here. After all, sick people can't fight the "system"; and the future of ANY NATION is their YOUNG PEOPLE.]
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