Monday, December 05, 2005

Gay Activists After Churches

from Agape Press
by Jim Brown

[busting agenda's comments will be enclosed in parentheses.]

"...the Presbyterian Church (USA) has defied scriptural requirements and the denomination's official stance on homosexual ordination."

[Just one among many in today's "politically correct" environment. ]

"South Presbyterian Church in Dobbs Ferry, New York, recently ordained a homosexual man who refuses to abide by the denomination's ban on practicing homosexuals in the ministry. According to an Associated Press (AP) report, when the homosexual pastor was asked whether he would abide by the church's constitution, he said he would -- except for a measure that says ministers must practice fidelity if married and chastity if single."

[Well, ok then. If this pastor can practice homosexual fornication, then his congregants can't be chastised when they want to commit adultery, rape, murder, theft, {insert your choice of sin here!}. Because you cannot be unrepentant and expect your congregation to do so. Or in a worldly viewpoint: what is good for the goose is good for the gander.....OR how about that "Do as I say and not as I do" philosophy?]

"Dr. Parker T. Williamson with the Presbyterian Lay Committee says homosexual activists in the denomination have been trying to take ordination standards out of the church's constitution for years."

[Why is it so important to these activists to join churches or organizations that do not want them? Why not just go start your own Gay Boy Scouts clubs? Gay church? Gay Girls of America? Why INSIST on joining where you are NOT wanted? I suspect that is the very reason why they do it. They are going to force everyone to acknowledge their lifestyle choices or die trying. The thing is, they can try all they want. There are those of us who will just as adamantly NOT give in to their demands. That is OUR right to choose.]

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