Church Denominations Under Attack by Gay Activists
from Agape Press
by Rev. Mark Creech
[agenda buster's comments]
The State Baptist Convention of North Carolina, the largest religious organization in the state and the second largest in the nation, voted overwhelmingly at its annual convention to ask its board of directors to come up with a written policy that would purge from North Carolina Baptists' ranks any member church that "knowingly affirms, approves or endorses homosexual behavior." Such churches would not be considered "in friendly cooperation with the convention and sympathetic to its purposes and work.
Few sins in the Bible are described with the same harshness or urgency of language as homosexuality. [whether they, the homosexuals, can read or not...]
Genesis 18:20 refers to it as a sin that cries out to God in heaven.
Leviticus 18:22 says it is an "abomination."
Romans 1:26-27 describes it as "unnatural."
I Corinthians 6:19-20 declares that those who practice it will be barred from heaven.
In other words, the consequences of homosexual behavior can be considerably more grievous than some other sins. Homosexuality is unique in that it is especially abhorrent to God and constitutes a significantly perverse and wicked lifestyle that clearly shows that one is far removed from Him. [whether the homosexual believes it or not....]
Few sins have done more of late to wreak havoc among God's people as homosexuality. Mainline churches are being pulled apart over attempts by homosexual activists to redefine biblical sexual morality.
Battles are currently being fought in the Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, American Baptists, United Methodists, Presbyterian Church (USA), and other denominations. [unfortunately, they are losing this WAR]
Interestingly, mainline churches that have taken a bold stand against liberal doctrine and the acceptance of homosexual sin are growing by leaps and bounds (Assemblies of God +377.1%, Southern Baptists +52.6%, Roman Catholics +45.4%).
Great denominations, however -- like the ones previously mentioned -- are significantly diminishing in memberships because of their liberal bent (Episcopalians -35.8%, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America -12.3%, Presbyterian Church (USA) -43.5%, American Baptists -6.9%, United Methodists -25.4%). [should listen to their congregants who are leaving as to WHY they are leaving...these people are instead joining the Southern Baptists, Assemblies of God and Roman Catholic denominations. They are conservatives, & Christians and are not willing to compromise for EVIL.]
North Carolina Baptists have essentially agreed that no member church should ever show sympathy to the homosexual agenda. In taking this courageous stand, Southern Baptists in the Tar Heel State have become a lighthouse illuminating the way for the great denominational ships of Zion in imminent danger of sinking in the "Graveyard of the Apostates." [way to go North Carolina!]
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