Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Under Assault by Angry Parents
from Agape Press
by Fred Jackson
...The U.S. House of Representatives is calling on the full Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to rehear a controversial case involving a school sex survey. A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit caused a national outcry last month when it basically ruled that parents really do not have a right to intervene in what schools are teaching their children.
The case was prompted by an explicit sex survey handed to a group of students in Palmdale, California, some of them as young as seven years old. The anger over the panel's ruling reached the House this week when it passed a resolution urging the full court to rehear the case. H. Res. 547 -- which passed on a 320-91 vote -- states that the ruling "undermines the fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing of their children" as well as the "firmly grounded" constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children. {Next, this "court" will say that parents who home-school or send their children to 'Christian' schools are abusers who need to be locked up.....better be ready, willing, and able to fight this one America!}
Mat Staver heads the conservative legal group Liberty Counsel. He calls the ruling "the worst assault on parental rights issued by any court." And Staver says his group will ask the full court to set aside the ruling -- and if necessary, he adds, Liberty Counsel is prepared to take the matter all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. H. Res. 547 was sponsored by Republican Congressman Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania. {Ummm, sponsors a bill that undermines parental authority AND he's a republican? What happened there? Can we say "VOTE for his opponent next election?}
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