Saturday, November 19, 2005

Reparative Therapy for homosexuals

from Agape Press
by Jim Brown and Jenni Parker

"Reparative or reorientation therapy is designed to help men and women in conflict with their homosexuality attain the goal of reaching their heterosexual potential.

NARTH, National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality, comprises more than 1,000 therapists, sociologists, and psychoanalysts who believe homosexuality is not inborn and can be changed. An angry group of protesters...argued that reparative therapy is dangerous and encourages self-hatred in homosexuals.

One of the conference speakers, Exodus International president Alan Chambers, disagrees. 'I myself was a homosexual man 15 years ago,' he says, 'and for over a decade now, I have been leading a heterosexual life. And it wasn't about me hating myself; it was about me wanting something different than what I found myself struggling with.'

The fact that ex-homosexuals exist invalidates the notion that homosexuality is biologically determined. And at the same time, he contends, those homosexual activists and other individuals who deny that hundreds of thousands of men and women have found freedom from homosexuality are, in effect, invalidating their own messages calling for tolerance and respect.

Among the protesters denouncing the NARTH event was homosexual L.A. City Councilman Bill Rosendahl, a practicing Catholic. According to an blog, Rosendahl called the group's research and methods 'unproven, unsafe and abusive,' and described its persistence in viewing homosexuality as a condition to be corrected as 'another form of rationalization for the continued persecution and prejudice against gay people.' [Unless he has participated in this therapy, how can he possibly "JUDGE" it?]

As countless people --Chambers included -- have demonstrated, same-sex desires can be overcome
with the help of Jesus Christ."


When you have had a true 'conversion' experience with Jesus then:

the thief can NO longer steal

the prostitute can NO longer sell his/her body for $$$$$

the liar can NO longer lie

the promiscuous can NO longer sleep around with everyone

the homosexual can NO longer sleep with the same sex

because the Holy Spirit convicts YOUR spirit concerning these sins

the tempation will still come; less frequently over time!; but with Jesus YOU CAN OVERCOME those tempations daily.

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