Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Division of the Methodist Church

The devil is dancing a victorious jig tonight.....

Read it here: Agape Press
by Jim Brown

"The head of a United Methodist renewal group says he's troubled that the denomination's bishops have unanimously declared that homosexuality is not a barrier to church membership in the United Methodist Church.

In a pastoral letter to the people of the United Methodist Church (UMC), the denomination's Council of Bishops -- which is made up of all active and retired UMC bishops -- affirmed that church membership is open to all people, including practicing homosexuals. According to the United Methodist News Service, the letter was adopted unanimously by the Council. The statement comes despite a recent ruling by the United Methodist Judicial Council -- the denomination's highest court -- which reinstated a conservative Virginia pastor who was suspended without pay for denying membership to an unrepentant homosexual. (See earlier article)

Pastor Jeff Switzer with the Mississippi Fellowship of United Methodist Evangelicals fears the bishops' letter leaves the door open for people to form their own impressions as to where the church stands. And while Switzer says church doors should be open to all individuals, he feels membership should not be given to individuals who are in active defiance of God's Word and the denomination's Book of Discipline."

As I have blogged before: The church should be a haven of forgiveness and healing for repentant homosexuals without compromising its stance against homosexual behavior.

Once you compromise, there is NO going back. To compromise ~~give up one's principals for expediency's sake~~with evil is to side with evil. In essence you are saying that what they do or believe is OK~~even though God has stated otherwise.

Some things are NOT worth compromising over~~such as your Soul.

As my grandmother use to say, the road to hell is paved with good "intentions" and "broken promises."

Yes, satan is dancing a merry jig, only he has many people merrily and blindly dancing right along to hell with him.....

Matthew 7:14

"Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."

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Blogger Unknown said...

Well, it does say people will fall away at the end of days.

It's looking that way to me.

7:20 PM  

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