Get your daily dose of porn in your local~~newspaper?
If you live in Los Angeles that is.....but then how far behind can the other liberal newspapers be?
Read the full article here: Agape Press
by Mary Rettig
"The director of research for the American Family Association says the recent addition of a pornography reporter to the staff at the Los Angeles Times shows how mainstream pornography has become. Last spring, Ralph Frammolino began regularly covering the pornography industry for the newspaper. He says the porn trade is too big an economic engine to be ignored."
Too big of an economic engine to be ignored. Ummm, so if murder for hire was too big of an economic engine to be ignored they would provide reporting space for this? How about providing space for those who prefer pedophilia? That's a big market I hear.......
Ok, enough now with the sarcasm; but you'll have to forgive me as I ponder how some in the human race have completely lost their minds.
IF it makes MONEY, it is NEWSWORTHY. Therefore, according to the world, MONEY is the measuring stick of what is newsworthy. Poor Mother Theresa; Ghandi; NAMB;
I just wonder if schools now are going to promote pornography as well as homosexuality. Or do they draw the line there? Will schools keep those FREE newspapers most big publishers provide? Or will they decline them because the children would be reading about the BIG BUCKS PORNOGRAPHY INDUSTRY? Hey, maybe they could have pornographers come in on career day........
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