Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Agenda of the 'Greedy Gimmees' Retailers~~Gimmee your money, but

Don't expect a thank you OR a Merry Christmas from us!

A fellow blogger,
conservativebynature, sent me a copy of an email that was sent to the various retailers who have decided to "diss" our Christian holiday of Christmas. [Walgreens, Sears, Lowes, Dell, Target, Kroger, J.C. Penney, Best Buy, Staples, and Office Max.]

This is what was sent:

>>>You have been boycotted this "holiday" season! Why? Because UNTIL {insert retailer's name here} acknowledges that Christmas IS a Christian's religious holiday, you all don't need our money.

How tolerant of you to acknowledge every other religions holy days; to not want to "offend" anyone who is NOT a Christian.

What happened to your tolerance in regards to my Christian holy day? What about offending ME?




It is my goal to get my fellow Christians to do exactly that this next year. Retailers need to learn to appreciate our financial contributions to their stores during OUR Christmas season~~until you do, you DON'T NEED MY MONEY.

Can't or Won't wish me a Merry Christmas, then I can't and won't spend my money with your business................. <<<

Well, I'm up for boycotting these retailers next year. I'm up for boycotting Christmas as a massive consumers' infomercial where the meaning is completely lost in the greedy gimmees.

How about the rest of you? Shall we send the Christmas-challenged retailers the BIG picture?

You can't have Christmas without Jesus and you can't have our money without a Merry Christmas.

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Church Denominations Under Attack by Gay Activists

from Agape Press
by Rev. Mark Creech
[agenda buster's comments]

The State Baptist Convention of North Carolina, the largest religious organization in the state and the second largest in the nation, voted overwhelmingly at its annual convention to ask its board of directors to come up with a written policy that would purge from North Carolina Baptists' ranks any member church that "knowingly affirms, approves or endorses homosexual behavior." Such churches would not be considered "in friendly cooperation with the convention and sympathetic to its purposes and work.

Few sins in the Bible are described with the same harshness or urgency of language as homosexuality. [whether they, the homosexuals, can read or not...]

Genesis 18:20 refers to it as a sin that cries out to God in heaven.

Leviticus 18:22 says it is an "abomination."

Romans 1:26-27 describes it as "unnatural."

I Corinthians 6:19-20 declares that those who practice it will be barred from heaven.

In other words, the consequences of homosexual behavior can be considerably more grievous than some other sins. Homosexuality is unique in that it is especially abhorrent to God and constitutes a significantly perverse and wicked lifestyle that clearly shows that one is far removed from Him. [whether the homosexual believes it or not....]

Few sins have done more of late to wreak havoc among God's people as homosexuality. Mainline churches are being pulled apart over attempts by homosexual activists to redefine biblical sexual morality.

Battles are currently being fought in the Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, American Baptists, United Methodists, Presbyterian Church (USA), and other denominations. [unfortunately, they are losing this WAR]

Interestingly, mainline churches that have taken a bold stand against liberal doctrine and the acceptance of homosexual sin are growing by leaps and bounds (Assemblies of God +377.1%, Southern Baptists +52.6%, Roman Catholics +45.4%).

Great denominations, however -- like the ones previously mentioned -- are significantly diminishing in memberships because of their liberal bent (Episcopalians -35.8%, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America -12.3%, Presbyterian Church (USA) -43.5%, American Baptists -6.9%, United Methodists -25.4%). [should listen to their congregants who are leaving as to WHY they are leaving...these people are instead joining the Southern Baptists, Assemblies of God and Roman Catholic denominations. They are conservatives, & Christians and are not willing to compromise for EVIL.]

North Carolina Baptists have essentially agreed that no member church should ever show sympathy to the homosexual agenda. In taking this courageous stand, Southern Baptists in the Tar Heel State have become a lighthouse illuminating the way for the great denominational ships of Zion in imminent danger of sinking in the "Graveyard of the Apostates." [way to go North Carolina!]

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Saturday, November 19, 2005

Reparative Therapy for homosexuals

from Agape Press
by Jim Brown and Jenni Parker

"Reparative or reorientation therapy is designed to help men and women in conflict with their homosexuality attain the goal of reaching their heterosexual potential.

NARTH, National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality, comprises more than 1,000 therapists, sociologists, and psychoanalysts who believe homosexuality is not inborn and can be changed. An angry group of protesters...argued that reparative therapy is dangerous and encourages self-hatred in homosexuals.

One of the conference speakers, Exodus International president Alan Chambers, disagrees. 'I myself was a homosexual man 15 years ago,' he says, 'and for over a decade now, I have been leading a heterosexual life. And it wasn't about me hating myself; it was about me wanting something different than what I found myself struggling with.'

The fact that ex-homosexuals exist invalidates the notion that homosexuality is biologically determined. And at the same time, he contends, those homosexual activists and other individuals who deny that hundreds of thousands of men and women have found freedom from homosexuality are, in effect, invalidating their own messages calling for tolerance and respect.

Among the protesters denouncing the NARTH event was homosexual L.A. City Councilman Bill Rosendahl, a practicing Catholic. According to an blog, Rosendahl called the group's research and methods 'unproven, unsafe and abusive,' and described its persistence in viewing homosexuality as a condition to be corrected as 'another form of rationalization for the continued persecution and prejudice against gay people.' [Unless he has participated in this therapy, how can he possibly "JUDGE" it?]

As countless people --Chambers included -- have demonstrated, same-sex desires can be overcome
with the help of Jesus Christ."


When you have had a true 'conversion' experience with Jesus then:

the thief can NO longer steal

the prostitute can NO longer sell his/her body for $$$$$

the liar can NO longer lie

the promiscuous can NO longer sleep around with everyone

the homosexual can NO longer sleep with the same sex

because the Holy Spirit convicts YOUR spirit concerning these sins

the tempation will still come; less frequently over time!; but with Jesus YOU CAN OVERCOME those tempations daily.

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Leaving the Episcopal Church

from Agape Press
by AP

...A Virginia congregation says it has withdrawn from the Episcopal Church USA. South Riding Church is the first congregation to leave the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia after two years of conflict over the consecration of an openly gay bishop in New Hampshire.

Rev. Phil Ashey says his church is now under the authority of the Anglican bishop of Uganda. The Episcopal Church is the U.S. branch of the worldwide Anglican church. But Episcopal Bishop Peter Lee of Virginia says he does not recognize South Riding's withdrawal. Lee says the bishop in Uganda has no authority in the Diocese of Virginia.

[Bishop Lee is going to FORCE this church to STAY when they believe that the Episcopal Diocese has sinned against God by their consecration of a gay bishop! Force NEVER works. I expect we are going to see a fight ensue from here in the courts.]

...The South Carolina Baptist Convention has endorsed a proposed state constitutional amendment banning same-sex "marriage." State law already prohibits homosexual marriage, but a constitutional amendment would prevent changes to the law in the future.

And just across the state's northern border, the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina has voted to expel any church that "knowingly affirms, approves or endorses homosexual behavior." The vote was not unanimous.

Some delegates opposed the idea because they felt it showed a lack of respect for Baptist heritage, which values the autonomy of local churches. Others felt the decision focused too much attention on a single issue.

But the convention's outgoing president said Baptists must deal with homosexuality because "everything in our culture has pushed it to the forefront."

The nation's largest homosexual-rights group, the Human Rights Campaign, denounced the vote, declaring that churches "should focus on love and compassion, not finding ways to demean" their homosexual members.

[These Baptist Conventions are NOT demeaning homosexuals. They are standing up for their beliefs~~that God's Holy word is true and homosexuality is a sin. The church will accept a repentant homosexual but not one who is still a practicing homosexual. If you are a Bible believing church, you cannot do otherwise.

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Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Under Assault by Angry Parents

from Agape Press
by Fred Jackson

...The U.S. House of Representatives is calling on the full Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to rehear a controversial case involving a school sex survey. A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit caused a national outcry last month when it basically ruled that parents really do not have a right to intervene in what schools are teaching their children.

The case was prompted by an explicit sex survey handed to a group of students in Palmdale, California, some of them as young as seven years old. The anger over the panel's ruling reached the House this week when it passed a resolution urging the full court to rehear the case. H. Res. 547 -- which passed on a 320-91 vote -- states that the ruling "undermines the fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing of their children" as well as the "firmly grounded" constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children. {Next, this "court" will say that parents who home-school or send their children to 'Christian' schools are abusers who need to be locked up.....better be ready, willing, and able to fight this one America!}

Mat Staver heads the conservative legal group
Liberty Counsel. He calls the ruling "the worst assault on parental rights issued by any court." And Staver says his group will ask the full court to set aside the ruling -- and if necessary, he adds, Liberty Counsel is prepared to take the matter all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. H. Res. 547 was sponsored by Republican Congressman Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania. {Ummm, sponsors a bill that undermines parental authority AND he's a republican? What happened there? Can we say "VOTE for his opponent next election?}

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Division of the Methodist Church

The devil is dancing a victorious jig tonight.....

Read it here: Agape Press
by Jim Brown

"The head of a United Methodist renewal group says he's troubled that the denomination's bishops have unanimously declared that homosexuality is not a barrier to church membership in the United Methodist Church.

In a pastoral letter to the people of the United Methodist Church (UMC), the denomination's Council of Bishops -- which is made up of all active and retired UMC bishops -- affirmed that church membership is open to all people, including practicing homosexuals. According to the United Methodist News Service, the letter was adopted unanimously by the Council. The statement comes despite a recent ruling by the United Methodist Judicial Council -- the denomination's highest court -- which reinstated a conservative Virginia pastor who was suspended without pay for denying membership to an unrepentant homosexual. (See earlier article)

Pastor Jeff Switzer with the Mississippi Fellowship of United Methodist Evangelicals fears the bishops' letter leaves the door open for people to form their own impressions as to where the church stands. And while Switzer says church doors should be open to all individuals, he feels membership should not be given to individuals who are in active defiance of God's Word and the denomination's Book of Discipline."

As I have blogged before: The church should be a haven of forgiveness and healing for repentant homosexuals without compromising its stance against homosexual behavior.

Once you compromise, there is NO going back. To compromise ~~give up one's principals for expediency's sake~~with evil is to side with evil. In essence you are saying that what they do or believe is OK~~even though God has stated otherwise.

Some things are NOT worth compromising over~~such as your Soul.

As my grandmother use to say, the road to hell is paved with good "intentions" and "broken promises."

Yes, satan is dancing a merry jig, only he has many people merrily and blindly dancing right along to hell with him.....

Matthew 7:14

"Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."

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Get your daily dose of porn in your local~~newspaper?


If you live in Los Angeles that is.....but then how far behind can the other liberal newspapers be?

Read the full article here: Agape Press
by Mary Rettig

"The director of research for the American Family Association says the recent addition of a pornography reporter to the staff at the Los Angeles Times shows how mainstream pornography has become. Last spring, Ralph Frammolino began regularly covering the pornography industry for the newspaper. He says the porn trade is too big an economic engine to be ignored."

Too big of an economic engine to be ignored. Ummm, so if murder for hire was too big of an economic engine to be ignored they would provide reporting space for this? How about providing space for those who prefer pedophilia? That's a big market I hear.......

Ok, enough now with the sarcasm; but you'll have to forgive me as I ponder how some in the human race have completely lost their minds.

IF it makes MONEY, it is NEWSWORTHY. Therefore, according to the world, MONEY is the measuring stick of what is newsworthy. Poor Mother Theresa; Ghandi; NAMB;~~they didn't/don't make money so they wouldn't qualify as newsworthy in the "modern" world.

I just wonder if schools now are going to promote pornography as well as homosexuality. Or do they draw the line there? Will schools keep those FREE newspapers most big publishers provide? Or will they decline them because the children would be reading about the BIG BUCKS PORNOGRAPHY INDUSTRY? Hey, maybe they could have pornographers come in on career day........

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Saturday, November 12, 2005

OTC Abortion Drug Pushed by Politicians?


from Agape Press
by Rusty Pugh

Concerned Women for America is denouncing efforts by politicians to pressure the Food and Drug Administration to approve a dangerous abortion drug and make it available over the counter [OTC], without a doctor's prescription. [Who is pushing the politicians?]

CWA spokeswoman Wendy Wright says drug companies and the abortion lobby must not be allowed to put their agenda and profits above women's health. She believes the so-called "morning-after pill" [wasn't this pill recently in the news as causing severe health issues or even death?] should not be approved, and her group has hired expert lawyers to tell the FDA why they cannot do it.

"They outline all the legal reasons and regulatory reasons why the FDA doesn't have the authority to do this kind of approval, and then also going into the medical reasons," Wright says. "If this drug's easily available, it will end up causing a public health catastrophe with sexually transmitted disease rates skyrocketing." [Abortion is not birth control~~condoms, the pill, abstinence are all birth control. Abortion is murder.]

Also, she contends, making this abortion drug easily available will allow sexual predators to cover up their abuse and will increase promiscuous behavior among young people who have been misled into thinking they can engage in risky sexual behavior without consequences. [With this drug as an OTC medication, ANYONE can just walk in and get it~~a teenage girl~~thereby, once AGAIN undermining parental authority and allowing for secret abortions. It's a SNEAKY way to push their agenda. But then, what's knew about that?]

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Friday, November 11, 2005

Texas is the 19th State to Protect Marriage

from Agape Press
by Jody Brown

"State constitutional amendments protecting traditional marriage continued their unbeaten streak on Tuesday when Texans overwhelmingly (76%) voted in favor of keeping marriage what it has been for centuries: the union of a man and a woman.

Conservative spokesman Gary Bauer wonders if national leaders are paying attention. 'How many of these votes do we have to win by such lop-sided margins before Congress finds the political will to support the people’s values?' he asks. Bauer, chairman of the Campaign for Working Families, is a strong proponent of the need for a federal marriage amendment.

So why didn't the campaign of deception staged by advocates of same-sex marriage work? Bob Knight of the Culture and Family Institute attributes it to the common sense found in the people of Texas. 'Most Texans are down-to-earth folks,' Knight says, 'which is why the attempt to fool them into thinking a marriage protection amendment was actually a threat to marriage didn't wash.' " [Found this link that explains beautifully: Conservative By Nature Blogs]

"Several more states are slated to vote on state constitutional marriage amendments next year. Among those are Alabama, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Tennessee." [This will be these states' chance to define marriage as between a man and a woman bringing the total to 23.]

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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Texas: David vs. Goliath

Goliath is Slain.

Proposition 2 "I Do" Passes

Praising the Lord after victory in battle.

How the king rejoices in your strength, O Lord!

He shouts with joy because of your victory.
For you have given him his heart's desire;
you have held back nothing that he requested.

You welcomed him back with success and prosperity.

He asked you to preserve his life,
and you have granted his request.
The days of his life stretch on forever.
Your victory brings him great honor,
and you have clothed him with splendor and majesty.
You have endowed him with eternal blessings.
You have given him the joy of being in your presence.
For the king trusts in the Lord.
The unfailing love of the Most High will keep him from stumbling.

You will capture all your enemies.
Your strong right hand will seize all those who hate you.
You will destroy them as in a flaming furnace
when you appear.
The Lord will consume them in his anger;
fire will devour them.
You will wipe their children from the face of the earth;
they will never have descendants.
Although they plot against you,
their evil schemes will never succeed.
For they will turn and run
when they see your arrows aimed at them.

We praise you, LORD, for all your glorious power.

With music and singing we celebrate your mighty acts.

2 Timothy 4: 7-8

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And the prize awaits me--the crown of righteousness that the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that great day of His return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to His glorious return."

Well done, my good and faithful servants.......

† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † †

Well done Texans! The Lord Jesus and the Father must be pleased this battle has been won in the Lone Star State.......

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Sunday, November 06, 2005


say "I Do" to proposition 2 this Tuesday, November 8th.

The other side has set up an autodialing system that is trying to persuade voters that voting FOR this amendment will null their own marriages.


The OTHER SIDE has no compunction about lying~~John 8:44-47

  • "For you are the children of your father the Devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning and has always hated the truth. There is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies. So when I tell the truth, you just naturally don't believe me! Which of you can truthfully accuse me of sin? And since I am telling you the truth, why don't you believe me? Anyone whose Father is God listens gladly to the words of God. Since you don't, it proves you aren't God's children."

Their lies:

1) Proposition 2 will BAN ALL

. Their argument is if the
state is not allowed to recognize "any
legal status identical or similar to
marriage," then that means they can't
recognize marriage also.

  • Response: The Attorney General of Texas rejected a similar argument on the floor of the Senate, when opponents tried to argue that the Amendment would ban common-law marriage. The Amendment does NOT say the state may not recognize "marriage". It prohibits only attempts to create a status similar or identical "TO MARRIAGE." Other states, like California, have created copy-cats of marriage and just called it by a different name and thus avoided their constitutional marriage amendment passed by its people. The Texas Amendment does NOT allow this. The words clearly recognize marriage in Texas as between a man and a woman and refuse to recognize attempts to recreate that status through any other means.

2) They continue to falsely state that Proposition 2 will take away their benefits and hospital visitation.

  • Response: The specific language from the constitutional amendment (HJR 6, which was passed during the 79th regular session) is below, showing this to be completely untrue:

  • Section 2. This state recognizes that through the designation of guardians, the appointment of agents, and the use of private contracts, persons may adequately and properly appoint guardians and arrange rights relating to hospital visitation, property, and the entitlement to proceeds of life insurance policies without the existence of any legal status identical or similar to marriage.

Biblical basis for marriage: Genesis 2:24

"This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one."

You either support God's Holy word

and His definition of marriage
, or you
don't. If you don't, then DO NOT profess
to be a Christian. You cannot just
pick the parts you want to obey and
ignore the rest.

This is a David vs. Goliath situation.

Who will win?

YOU Vote for God on Tuesday
or YOU Vote Against God on Tuesday.

Don't let these lying liars win~~


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Friday, November 04, 2005

The liberal led NEA

from Agape Press
by Jim Brown
[agendabuster's comments enclosed in these]

A new survey of the 2.7-million-member National Education Association reveals that leaders of the powerful union are overwhelmingly liberal -- yet the rank and file reflects the political philosophies of the country at-large. [Conservative]

Mike Antonucci is director of the
Education Intelligence Agency, a union watchdog group that analyzed the survey. He notes most conservative members are not very active in the union.

He also says the NEA is able to frame arguments that it holds in a way that it can make policies appear to be attacks on teachers. [Yes, the liberals are very good at this~~just look at their "twist" on the Texas proposition 2: that a vote FOR it will null ALL marriages in Texas~~which is blatantly false but frightens people.] As he puts it: "The best way {to get away with liberal policies} is to frame {them} in such a way as to make them relevant to the rank-and-file's expressed priority: security."

The main lesson is that the organization is not a "single-minded juggernaut"; the people at the oars are capable of changing direction if they could only see outside." [Or get INVOLVED!]

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The Duplicitous Nature of the Dark Side

from Agape Press by Jody Brown

...Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott says autodial phone calls crisscrossing the Lone Star State are misleading voters about the wording of Proposition 2, which is on next week's ballot. That proposition, if passed, would amend the state constitution and define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. But opponents of the measure are claiming the proposed amendment was worded incorrectly and would somehow dissolve heterosexual marriages in the state. [The lying liars who are destroying America] That argument, says the attorney general, is "wholly without merit" and, from a legal basis, "completely baseless." Kelly Shackelford of Liberty Legal Institute agrees, saying the claim by the group Save Texas Marriage is "duplicitous" and is based on an argument that no "respectable" legal organization will publicly support." Texans don't like political tricks," says LLI's chief counsel. "Now everyone knows the truth. It's not complicated. Texans should vote for Prop. 2 if they want to keep marriage only between one man and one woman -- and vote against it if they want the definition of marriage changed."


Democrats have been very busy registering evacuees from hurricane Katrina down at the old Kelly AFB in San Antonio~~to get them to vote NO.


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Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Blogged in its entirety because it is that SHOCKING; but link is provided. [agendabuster's comments are enclosed in parentheses.]

by Ed Vitagliano Video
AFA Journal

The battle in this country between those holding to traditional morality and those espousing hedonism has reached a fever pitch, manifested in no clearer terms than the ideological conflict over homosexuality. But forget about same-sex marriage, employment discrimination or AIDS funding. There may be no area of debate that causes blood pressures to escalate more rapidly than
the question of whether public schools should teach children about homosexuality.[NO! An educator's job is to teach children to read, to add, and to write. They SHOULD be coming to school already with the firm knowledge of right and wrong; manners; and some self-control. These things should be taught by PARENTS; who should also be the ones to deal with "sex education" when the time is appropriate. If society continues to expect educators to raise their children then they cannot complain when their children's morality or lack thereof is evident; when their children's socialism or communism is evident. Because unfortunately, too many educators are Godless, heathens who live an hedonistic life. Many are also socialists or worse. Abraham Lincoln, who was NOT gay, said it best: The philosophy of a school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.]

Now the homosexual community has thrown down the gauntlet by unveiling a video entitled It’s Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues In School, and as its title implies, the video is aimed at the educational establishment.

The video is produced by Helen Cohen and Debra Chasnoff, the latter an Academy Award-winning documentary producer. In 1992 Chasnoff became the first woman to openly declare her lesbianism at the Oscars. [What a proud moment that was: declare your sexual preference on live tv~~WHO CARES....keep your sex life in your bedroom.]

The producers went into six elementary and middle schools where teachers and principals are already force-feeding children with pro-gay grist. The narrator says the educators allowed the filming “in the hope of inspiring other educators and parents to take the next step in their own school communities to teach children respect for all.”

The video was funded largely by the San Francisco-based Columbia Foundation, as well as People for the American Way, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, and the California Teacher Association’s Gay and Lesbian Caucus. The film also credits the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) with a hand in helping to fund the project.

It’s Elementary has picked up several awards, including the prestigious C.I.N.E. Golden Eagle for the Best Teacher Education Film of 1996.

Targeted to state departments of education and local school boards, the video has been screened in at least six states, and California Assemblywoman Sheila J. Kuehl, an open lesbian, said she intends to have it shown in all 50 states. [Unless, Christian parents stand up for their rights as parents and STOP this.]

The narrator’s voice calmly introduces the video while the camera pans over a playground full of children playing peacefully together at a public school. “Most adults probably don’t see why schools should teach young children about gay people,” the voice says. While that is no doubt true, it becomes clear in It’s Elementary that
homosexual activists see why schools should teach about the gay lifestyle.

It is to capture the hearts and minds of the next generation. In fact, in an interview about the video with a Santa Fe newspaper, Chasnoff states candidly, “What’s clear in the film is that the younger the kids, the more open they were [easily influenced~~they have no discernment yet, that comes with maturity]....If we could start doing this kind of education in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, we’d have a better generation.” [Yes, they would be able to achieve their goals.....but kindergarteners and first and second graders do NOT need to know about sex yet. They deserve their care-free childhoods. Like the educators, these homosexual activists know that between the ages of 3-5 the personality is 'set'. So, it is crucial to "teach" this age group.]

Out of the mouths of babes

“Most adults probably don’t see ...” becomes the theme of this documentary, portraying the ignorance and bigotry of adults - including parents - as the fountainhead of homphobia. In contrast, pro-homosexual statements are heard coming from the mouths of children, shown as innocents who have thus far been uncontaminated by the backwater views of adults.

A student in one New York City school thinks even 5- and 6-year-olds should be given books about the homosexual lifestyle. If parents “freak out,” it’s only because they are “biased.” And a second grade boy in Cambridge, Mass., says an adult who is opposed to lesbianism is not very“open-minded,” and in fact is downright “prejudiced.” This theme supplies the rationale for It’s Elementary: keep the discussion of homosexuality out of the hands of ignorant parents, and place it in the hands of an enlightened public school system.

Circumventing parents

If a parent views homosexuality as wrong, what is the child to do with a contradictory message coming from another respected authority figure - the child’s teacher? A wedge has been driven between the child’s two worlds: home and school; doubt has been raised in the child’s mind about whether or not his/her parents are wrong.

What if a child simply accepts the teacher’s pro-gay view without question, and never raises the issue at home? The moral values of some parents have been effectively undermined by an authority figure at school, and homosexual advocates have won the initial skirmish in the war for the hearts and minds of a future generation.

Ellen Varella, principal of Peabody Elementary School in Cambridge, Mass., decided that her school would host a “photo-text exhibit” entitled, “Love Makes a Family: Living in Lesbian and Gay Families.” She said she anticipated no controversy, because the school community was a “very open and embracing and nurturing community.”

The decision did result in controversy, however, presumably among the closed-minded, non-nurturing types. When a friend warned her that she could lose her job over the exhibit, Varella was unfazed. “I felt strongly that the children in this community needed to be educated around this topic,” she said.

Perhaps one of the most shocking statements in It’s Elementary came from Thomas Price, principal of Cambridge Friends School in Cambridge, Mass. “I don’t think that it’s appropriate that values only be taught at home,” he said. “There are social values as well, there are community values.” And apparently those critical community values include this one:
homosexuality is good.

Enlightened white knights of the public schools

The underlying belief of these social architects is that parents cannot be trusted to convey the truth about homosexuality to their children. The intervention of the public schools is necessary. At a faculty meeting at Cambridge Friends School, the teachers are discussing the results of their fourth annual Gay and Lesbian Pride Day. One teacher admits, “I think that we are asking kids to believe that (the homosexual lifestyle) is right....[W]e’re educating them, and this is part of what we consider to be a healthy education,” (emphasis added).

Some go beyond mere recommendation of advocacy. Take for example George Sloan, principal at Luther Burbank Middle School in San Francisco. Sloan said he
believed that learning under a pro-homosexual curricula “should be mandatory” for all students.

At the Manhattan Country School in New York City, eighth grade English teacher Carol O’Donnell listens as one student complains that she is confused about the issue of homosexuality, because her family tells her its wrong.

Another student agrees that kids hear different things from different places. The solution?
“[S]chool needs to give us all the facts, so we can decide on our own what to think and what to do.” Some parents might be disturbed to know that their voice has been relegated to the status of being one among many. Yet it is the opinion promulgated in It’s Elementary that,
when conflicting voices sow confusion, the public school system can intervene with the facts so the children can decide for themselves. [This reminds of that stupid argument that parents won't take their children to church so when they are grown up they can decide for themselves HOW they want to worship. Well DUH, when they grow up they are NOT going to worship at all. Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." Well, I guess the homosexual activists have learned this quite well......]

But are they given the facts? And are they really deciding for themselves? [They think they are.....not realizing they have been manipulated to think that way.]

“There’s no right or wrong answer...” [This is moral relativity: what is good or evil is in the eye of the beholder ~~not pre-determined. But for society to survive, there MUST be an established set of standards like....the Ten Commandments.]

The introduction to the video tries to calm parental fears, by assuring them that the pro-gay curricula in schools will only be presented in “an age-appropriate way.” This translates very simply: rather than discussing sexual practices and sexually-transmitted diseases, the teachers will frame the issue as a discussion about tolerance [political correctness = anathema to Christians] and civil rights.

In New York City’s Public School 87, fourth-grade teacher Cora Sangree is reminding her students of a previous assignment, when she told them to paint whatever came to mind when she said the word, “Indian.” Now, she tells her children, they are to write whatever comes to mind when she says the word “lesbian” and “gay.”

One student asks, “So nothing’s right or wrong in this either?” "That’s right,” Sangree replies, “There’s no right or wrong answer.”

Those words play well to the casual observer of It’s Elementary. But a more critical examination of the video shows teachers’ subtle but powerful manipulation of the children to draw the desired conclusion.

In Kate Lyman’s first/second grade class the students often do “class books,” put together by the students themselves. On this day, Lyman shows the class their latest finished project, entitled, “Everybody is Equal: A Book About Gays and Lesbians.” The computer-generated introduction to their book says, in part, “We made this book to tell people to respect gay and lesbian people...” The teacher thus established the parameters of acceptable viewpoints in advance of the project: if you don’t think homosexuality is “equal” to heterosexuality, you don’t “respect” gay people.

At one school assembly celebrating Gay and Lesbian Pride Day, a teacher stands before the students and tells them he’s gay. Another teacher tearfully tells the children how proud she is of what they are doing, and encourages them to change the world with what they’ve learned.

At the beginning of It’s Elementary, the narrator explained, “We made this film to explore what does happen when experienced teachers talk about lesbians and gay men with their students.” What happens is clear. The sight of teachers standing before the entire school body in support of homosexuality has a coercive influence upon children that is frightening. Later Sangree, alone with the camera, discusses her observations about the day’s teaching session. The children, she says, are getting a lot of “misinformation” about homosexuals - not only from the culture, but also parents. And, she says, apparently to defuse potential protests, the curricula does not talk about sex. That, she says, would be inappropriate.

Instead, the school is merely attempting to eliminate “stereotypes” and promote respect.
“[T]alking about people in different communities, and biases and discrimination and how that affects people’s lives,” Sangree said, “I think is appropriate.”

Here, finally, we discover that there is indeed a right and wrong answer after all.

Stacking the deck

If some of the teachers do not explicitly say that people are wrong when they oppose homosexuality, they do so implicitly. The words “gays and lesbians” are circled on the chalkboard in the third-grade class of teacher Daithi Wolfe, at Hawthorne Elementary School in Madison, Wisconsin. Then, as he begins to write down the words that students associate with homosexuality, a curious pattern develops. Any negative words offered by students about homosexuals are placed on the right side of his circle: “Homophobia.” “Discrimination.” “Name-calling.” “Weird.” And, of course, “Nazis” and “Hitler.”

But on the left side of the board - apparently the side with the “right” words - are “pink triangle,” “rainbow necklace,” “same (as real people),” and “equal rights.” Such blatant manipulation might not work on adults, but it is clearly effective on children. Kim Coates, an eighth grade health science teacher at Luther Burbank Middle School in San Francisco, invited two homosexuals to address her class. One of the speakers, a lesbian, starts off telling the students that she didn’t come to school to recruit kids into the homosexual lifestyle. Instead, she admits that she came to change their minds about gays. While they may have come to school thinking homosexuals are evil, she hoped they would leave thinking that “gay people are just like me.” And she accomplishes her goal. After the class, some of the students are interviewed, and they admit that the two speakers have changed the way they view homosexuality.

Christians are the enemies of homosexuals

When It’s Elementary is not pointing the finger at bigoted parents in general, it zeroes in on Christians in particular: the Christian view of homosexuality is highlighted as an example of outrageous bigotry. In one sequence of clips from TV talks shows, two apparent Christians present the view of their faith. One says, “God hates fags.” The other: “The Bible that I read says homosexuals should be put to death.” [Oh yeah, once again those liberal media pundits chose a great representation of it just me, or do they ALWAYS choose the most extreme example of our faith? They would never do this to the Islamic religion~~~which I guess makes the liberal media, BIGOTS themselves.]

Later, a fifth-grade boy observes, “Some Christians believe that if you’re gay or lesbian that you’ll go to hell, so they want to torture them.” This skewed view of Christianity is no accident. Chasnoff has said that the film was made, in part, to counter the “hysteria of the Religious Right.” But not all religious views of homosexuality are ridiculed in the video. What, for example, is the theological position of Thomas Price, principal of Cambridge Friends School? “We really believe that there’s God in every person, and those people include homosexuals, too,” he says.

In a twist that is positively evil, the children at one Gay and Lesbian Pride Day school assembly are led by a platoon of teachers in singing, “This Little Light of Mine.”

If there was any doubt remaining, the moral worldview of the pro-homosexual curricula surveyed in It’s Elementary is clarified by one teacher in Cambridge.

After saying that students must be taught that all lifestyles are equal, she says, “There isn’t a right way, there isn’t a wrong way; there isn’t a good way, there isn’t a bad way. The way that it is, is what it is.”

Homosexual advocates have realized that their greatest potential for changing America’s mind about the gay lifestyle lies in changing the seed for tomorrow’s crop. Varella, in fact, said she allowed her school’s photo-text exhibit in the hope that it would contribute to “improving our civilization,” because children are the “leaders of tomorrow.” With efforts like It’s Elementary, homosexuals are well on their way to deciding what that tomorrow will look like.

AFA video to counter their evil:

Suffer the Children
by American Family Association

Two women - Helen Cohen and Debra Chasnoff - have teamed up to produce a pro-homosexual video called "It's Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues in School." Aimed at our children, their message is: Don't listen to your ignorant, bigoted parents when they talk about homosexuality. Let us teach you.In order to counter this dangerous video that is being marketed to our schools, American Family Association has produced a video entitled 'Suffer the Children'. Our video exposes how this powerful pro-homosexual propaganda film is targeting our children. Suffer the Children is thorough, factual and biblically sound, yet it is charitable and never mean-spirited. [IF I was a betting person, I'd bet my last dollar their 'It's Elementary' video was mean least in regards to Christians.]

Reproduced with permission.

DVD is free, $3.00 shipping & handling

Buy the video 'Suffer the Children' here

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