Thursday, May 18, 2006

Tool to Fight Homosexual Agenda in Schools

from Agape Press
by Jim Brown

The "Risk Audit Project" involves a comprehensive survey to measure the promotion of homosexuality in a given public school district. [Can YOUR school pass?]

The Risk Audit Project measures the extent to which public school districts are collaborating with homosexual activists by determining, among other things, whether schools have adopted pro-homosexual policies or curricula, and whether the school district is sponsoring pro-homosexual clubs, events, or activities. [Are they "tolerant" of religious clubs and their events? Or is it one-sided?] Crampton feels the risk audit is not a luxury for schools but a necessity.

"We believe that since schools are called upon and required to protect children while they're at school, by that same token they have an absolute obligation to do no harm to the children that are under their care," the

AFA Law Center spokesman says. "And so this risk audit is an effort to first ascertain the extent of the activities in our schools and, second, to let the American public know what's really going on." [No More Secrets.....especially with our tax payer money.]

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