Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Myth about pornography

from Agape Press
by Jody Brown

...Jan LaRue says it's a "destructive myth" that convinces men and boys it is normal, healthy, and harmless to view adult porn on the Internet -- in fact, she warns, the practice often paves the way to the sexual exploitation of children.

For example, notes LaRue, men are using online pimps to connect with underage prostitutes. "Check his web log," advises the chief counsel for Concerned Women for America, "and you'll find he was at the porn sites long before he went to the pimp sites."

And pedophiles are not the only ones molesting children, she adds. "There is a difference between pedophiles who prefer to have sex with children, and child molesters who prefer to have sex with adults -- but will have sex with a child if the situation presents itself."

And that opportunity, she says, "presents itself big time on the Internet." LaRue, an expert in porn law, has just released the first part of a series titled "The Road to Perversion Is Paved With Pornography," found on the website Human Events Online .

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'Reality Porn'

[I have always hated those "reality" tv shows....they just aren't something I'm willing to waste my precious time on. But this......this was I suppose the next 'logical' step to those "reality" shows. The questions will be to see how quickly this comes to cable and how America reacts to this invasion of our homes. I hope I am surprised by their reactions......that they will be screaming about this and reporting it to the FCC; but I don't think I'm gonna hold my breath.....just in case.]

Promotes Immorality, Corrupts Family Members
from Agape Press
by James L. Lambert

Once again the smut industry is finding new ways to lure in new customers and add to the already billions of dollars it collects from Americans each year. "Reality porn" is the new rage -- and, as with other forms of pornography, it is corrupting men, boys, and family members across the county. [I have no problem with why Islam views us as the "great satan" of the west.....look what we allow to come into our midst. Of course, nor do I think they are total innocents over are too easily corruptible wherever we live]

While liberal jurists continue to protect porn millionaires and obscenity pushers, untold thousands of men and boys are being swept into viewing porn by these new reality sites. While the Justice Department demonstrates its apathy in enforcing obscenity laws, young adult video entrepreneurs [it's about the money.....GREED, what a vice!] arrange parties made up of men and women who know they will have sex together.[looking for love in all the wrong places?] They intentionally invite other men and women, often college-age, attempting to draw them into group-sex situations. During these events, beer is flowing freely.

These "set-up" reality sites often are filmed on college campuses or in fraternity houses, bars (after hours), strip clubs, or private homes around the country. These young porn entrepreneurs show they will do anything for a buck. Promoters of these sites actively encourage sexual activity while the girls are heavily intoxicated. They know that this type of content will attract more paying customers to their sites.

What some of the female participants do not realize is that once their images are caught on tape, they will be shown countless times over the worldwide web. Several months ago I spoke to a former Playboy centerfold model who was distraught that past pornographic images were still being circulated on the Internet. She's annoyed that pornographers like Hugh Hefner are still making money over photos that she would rather forget.

Likewise, participants in "reality porn" need to understand is that once their images are on the Internet, it's close to impossible to retrieve them. [Try explaining that one to a future spouse~~male or female!] It's obvious that these 21st-century smut peddlers are taking advantage of college-age kids by getting them intoxicated and involving them in a situations that are way over their head.

Reality porn sites, as other forms of pornography, strip away the moral fabric of our society. Their message is that group sex is okay, that infidelity is normal, that a physical sex act means nothing between "consenting adults," and that multiple partnering is acceptable. Every day these Internet sites entrap and enslave men.

Parents need to defend their families from this rot. We need to find effective ways to shield our children and our men from the avalanche of smut that pornographers are putting on the Internet. [How soon before it hits the television airwaves??? $$$$ is the deciding factor in this industry that has lost its morals and scruples.] We need to protect our families from liberal judges who continue to insult us with their wacky decisions that support these obscenity peddlers. We need to vote out of office politicians who will not enforce laws that are designed to protect society from this immoral filth.

We need to promote an environment that will not shut its door on our children's innocence. My advice? Protect your family -- buy a good Internet filter, and know where your child and the men in your family access the Internet. Make sure that your software will protect your child's innocence. It's easier to protect your child this way than it is to remove deviant imagery from their minds that can lurk for a lifetime. Your child and your family are your heritage. Protect them at all costs!

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The Truth About Homosexuality

Liberty Counsel, PFOX Join Forces to Spread Truth About Homosexuality
Agape Press
by Allie Martin

A Christian law firm is teaming up with a national organization to help public school students proclaim the truth about homosexuality and the hopeful message that change is possible for those struggling with same-sex attractions.

On the eve of the "Day of Silence" -- a nationwide pro-homosexual observance scheduled for April 26 -- the Orlando, Florida-based legal group Liberty Counsel and the national advocacy group Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) are conducting a joint effort called the "Change is Possible Campaign."

This outreach focuses on public schools, which the two groups believe have been targeted by homosexual activists eager to promote their lifestyle to school children.

Mat Staver, president of Liberty Counsel, says public schools across America have become ground zero for homosexual activists and their efforts to indoctrinate young people into their lifestyle. [Read "HOMOSEXUALS' HIDDEN AND SLY AGENDA" Busting Agenda's First Posting] Advocates of same-sex activity may encourage young people to experiment while downplaying the dangers of such premature and aberrant sexual initiations.

Unfortunately," Staver notes, "when youths as young as kindergarteners or in second grade on up get indoctrinated with the view that they ought to engage in homosexual activity to determine their sexual identity -- that it's normal, it's natural, and everyone's doing it -- they ultimately, when they go down that path, can become emotionally and physically damaged because they don't know the full story."

That "full story" is rarely heard in America's public schools, the head of Liberty Counsel points out. Instead, he asserts, tolerance is promoted there, but it is not practiced when it comes to students that want to openly proclaim the truth about homosexuality. [Freedom of speech is not guaranteed to Christians anymore; unless we fight for it....]

"I think it's important for youth in America to get the full message," Staver says, "to get the other side of the message instead of being discriminated against because they have a moral and Christian or pro-family view -- instead of being discriminated against because they're saying that you can in fact change."

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The abortion 'industry' and the bio-tech marriage

Biotech Industry Reminded That Human Dignity Must Remain Paramount
Agape Press
by Bill Fancher and Jody Brown

The biotech industry, which just concluded a huge convention in Chicago, is being challenged by a Christian segment of the industry to avoid ethical lapses.

While BIO 2006 was taking place, the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity -- based in Bannockburn, IL, just north of Chicago -- was on hand to activate the industry's conscience. "We are for biotechnology," explains CBHD's director of communications Joe Carter, "but we believe it needs to be couched in a framework of Christian ethics."

...the biotech industry's ethics have lapsed in recent years. He cites two areas of research as examples of that slip: embryonic stem-cell research and human cloning.

"Most scientists will tell you that any cures [resulting from embryonic stem-cell research] are 20 to 30 years away, if it's even possible, because embryonic stem cells are harder to work with than adult stem cells," he says.

"Another example is therapeutic cloning. There is no such thing as therapeutic cloning. There are no therapies involved with cloning."

The biotech industry, he asserts, "kind of downplays those solid facts and kind of plays up the cures angle, even though they know it's not true."

Carter believes the industry's ethical slide is a result of the issues being tied to the abortion debate, and because many researchers depend on government tax dollars to subsidize their work. He contends

the pro-abortion

community has seized these

ideas as ways to further

dehumanize the unborn.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sex Sting Operation

Nets Local Elementary School Principal
Agape Press
By Jim Brown

An elementary school principal who also serves as a Baptist deacon [not for long.....] is among several men caught in an undercover sex sting operation at a public park in Beaumont, Texas.

For several months the Beaumont Police Department has been receiving complaints from families regarding illicit homosexual activity occurring in Tyrrell Park, a multi-use park frequented by picnickers, golfers, and bird watchers. Seven men were recently arrested in the park for indecent exposure -- a Class B misdemeanor -- after they approached undercover officers explicitly for homosexual sex acts.

According to news reports, individuals and parents had complained numerous times about men approaching them in the park, asking for sexual favors and exposing their genitals. A news release from the Beaumont Police Department says the sting operation wants to send the message to "those who choose this lifestyle that at any moment they could be placed under arrest and their names and faces made public."

[If it was an acceptable lifestyle choice, then why the clandestine, illicit meetings? Why didn't the 7 just "do" each other? in their own hotel room?

No, they wanted to entice others to get involved in these sex acts--that's what makes it so thrilling. And this is why it will never be viewed as a legitimate, alternative lifestyle....and why our children are at risk to their Machiavellian seduction.]

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Movie Shows Capacity for Human Love to Go Astray

from Agape Press
by Ed Vitagliano

Brokeback's Heartbreak
[Forbidden love can BREAK one's back and spirit]

"It is the talk of Hollywood, a movie about two homosexual cowboys that is being touted as a vehicle that will change the way America views homosexuality -- and perhaps even same-sex marriage."

[At least it is hollywood's hope that once again they can influence American viewpoints. I think they may have a more difficult time of it this go round as many Americans do not consider homosexuality normal, or healthy.

Of course, it they just keep bombarding us with it, then perhaps many will become more accepting of this lifestyle.......just as most Americans have become accepting of the normalicy of pornography~~ thank you "Friends"; or the normalicy of prosmicuity~~thank you the 60's: "love, sex, rock & roll" or "make love, not war".

I suppose if you scream it enough, it becomes FACT.

But there are just as many Americans who will ALWAYS affirm that homosexuality; as well as pornography and promiscuity; are BAD for people. ]

"The movie also serves as a shameless shill for homosexual advocates who demand society's full acceptance of homosexuality. Even secular reviewers could see this, although they then applauded the message.

Beneath the surface, however, there is much more going on in Brokeback Mountain, so much so that Entertainment Weekly's Owen Gleiberman said the film was 'a quietly revolutionary love story.'

And it is revolutionary, because Brokeback Mountain asks the viewer to embrace what is essentially a pagan view of love and sex.

That pagan, pre-Christian view of what we call 'romantic love' was called eros, and it proposed that love was a power that simply grabbed people unaware and drove them to each other with an irresistible force.

This is not necessarily something new for Hollywood, which has been promoting such a view of the uncontrollable power of love between heterosexuals long before two homosexual cowboys became the focus." [The English Patient; or The Bridges of Madison County. Both received RAVE reviews; but I despised both~~thought they were horrible stories and had no empathy for the characters at all. Wondered what had happened to people's "self-control"?]

Boundaries for the Fire

Certainly, eros is a powerful emotion. When kindled within the heart, it can burn like a warming fire. But it can also inflame everything and everyone around it. In other words, like fire, love may, indeed, have the appearance of a "force of nature."

What gives love its destructive fire is, of course, the fact that love is often consummated by sex. The act of sex not only expresses the love but deepens it, as it welds the souls of those who physically join themselves together.

It is interesting to note, as Pope Benedict does, that of the three Greek words for love -- eros, philia, and agape -- the New Testament never uses eros in its discussions of Christian love.

This is not to suggest that romantic love is considered un-Christian.

Instead, Christianity revolutionized the concept of eros altogether. In the Judeo-Christian worldview, man is not simply a passive agent, acted upon by eros or anything else. The expectation was that human beings -- within the institution of marriage -- would experience and enjoy eros, but they were to be its masters, not its servants.

The potential for heartbreak when two people begin down the wrong path towards a sinful coupling is one of the reasons why God has set boundaries on human relationships. This is certainly why sex is reserved by God only for marriage and only between heterosexuals.

However, love Hollywood-style flagrantly disregards God's boundaries.

In Premiere magazine, Gyllenhaal says of Brokeback: "The idea of the story is that love has no bounds .... People just think, 'Guy gets the girl, guy loses girl, guy gets stoned.' This movie is not that. The idea ultimately is, if you have love, no matter what that love is, whatever the boundaries, you have to hold on to it."

One has to wonder if Gyllenhaal would give a big Hollywood thumbs up to incest as long as the participants "have love."

Why not? If two people -- three people? four? -- love each other, why should they heed any boundaries? And what about adultery? When Gyllenhaal marries, surely he would look unkindly upon his wife were she to be unfaithful a la The English Patient.

The truth is, love is not right simply because it exists. Boundaries in human relationships -- like boundaries for driving, voting, or getting money out of one's ATM -- are there for a reason. In instituting boundaries for love and sex, God protects us and provides the means for orderly and honorable human society.

We break those rules at our own risk and our own pain. [We CAN get burned by love.]

In his review for, Paul Clinton says, "Human beings have a deep need to love and to be loved in return. Brokeback Mountain celebrates that need without making any moral judgments."

But this worship of eros has the effect of justifying things which God has forbidden and, in the case of Brokeback Mountain, things which He declares to be an abomination.

While Clinton is certainly right about the human need to love and be loved, he assumes that human love is the answer to that need.

The full truth, however, is that mankind was created -- above all other things and all other loves -- to love and be loved by God.

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Monday, April 17, 2006

A Gay Easter?

[Guess the White House was hoping it wouldn't come to pass; or that these "activists" would put the children first and tone it down.....only I've never known these gay activists to EVER put the welfare of the children first or to tone anything down.

The more loud, flamboyant, outrageous, and IN-YOUR-FACE it is, the better it is. As I have said before and will repeat again.....this "agenda" is led by adults who are completely self-centered, selfish, and aggressive.]

Update: from Agape Press
by Jenni Parker

...Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth, says homosexual activists' crashing of the April 17 White House Easter Egg Roll is just the latest demonstration of selfishness by adult "gay" activists, who consistently place their agenda ahead of the best interests of children.

Christian Newswire reports that the homosexual group known as the Family Pride Coalition is using the traditional annual White House event as a vehicle to showcase "lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) families" and boasts that over 100 LGBT-led "families" would attend the event, with adults and supporters wearing rainbow-colored Hawaiian leis.

But LaBarbera says these homosexual activists should be ashamed for "exploiting an event designed solely to bring joy to young children" by staging " a crass publicity stunt to promote 'gay parenting.'"

The Americans for Truth spokesman says a recurring motif runs throughout the homosexual agenda, whether activists are "redefining marriage to legitimate sexual sin, indoctrinating impressionable schoolchildren with pro-homosexual lesson plans, legally harassing the Boy Scouts, pushing 'gay adoption' ... or crashing a White House Easter Egg roll ... one common theme stands out: it's all about the 'gay' adults and their desperate need for approval of their lifestyle choice, not what's best for children."

The Family Pride Coalition's publicity stunt "represents a new low in the movement for 'rights' based on aberrant sex," LaBarbera says. It is a pity, he adds, that the homosexual group had to "tarnish a great tradition" like the White House Easter Egg Roll with this "in-your-face political maneuver."

from The Weekly Standard
by Mark Tooley

Wow. Easter may never be the same after this.

Soulforce is planning to "crash" the White House easter egg roll this year. Their goal? To "spotlight" their non-traditional families.

Once America sees the White House lawn awash in LGBT [sounds like a sandwhich~~~lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender population] families, "there will be no going back," Soulforce promised.

[Who is Soulforce?] It is the political organizing tool of self-described "militant gay activist" Mel White, the former Jerry Falwell speech writer who discovered his gayness and became a clergyman in the predominantly homosexual Metropolitan Community Churches.

Over the years, Soulforce has become well known for its disruptive demonstrations and acts of civil disobedience at the conventions of religious denominations that do not share its views on sexual ethics. Invariably these churches, even the liberal mainline ones, are portrayed by Soulforce as "anti-gay."

Soulforce's main partner in crashing the White House Easter Egg roll is the
Family Pride Coalition (FPC), which is the "only national non-profit organization solely dedicated to equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) parents and their families."

Recipients of the Soulforce email were asked to be "discreet" and not to post the information on websites because the "success of this action depends on keeping it under the radar of the media and the administration!!!"

Like Soulforce, the FPC also wants its members to be secretive about the plan. A passage on its page about the event reads:

"Important Note: If word about this reaches the administration or any of our opponents, there may be an effort to keep our families from participating. Please tell as many LGBT families as possible about this event, but please DO NOT post a link to this page on a searchable website. It is fine though, to forward the link directly to LGBT families."

[Only evil wishes to hide...]

Agenda buster has the feeling the President has gotten wind of this by now.

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Promotion, Not Protection

The REAL goals of gay activism: Gay Straight Clubs About Promotion, Not Protection
Agape Press
by Jim Brown

Linda Harvey, an advocate of the pro-family group
Mission America, says leaders of Gay Straight Alliance clubs in schools falsely claim their main focus is fighting discrimination.

"You can quickly find out that these clubs are about homosexual sex -- about getting kids connected with people who are already involved in sexual activity, about promoting the books, the movies, and all of the contacts that are very sexual in nature," Harvey says. "That is very disingenuous -- and there is a problem here, in that people need to do the research and stand up and say what the truth is."

It is extremely dishonest for GSAs to claim they exist merely to promote tolerance and diversity when, in fact, they are promoting homosexual immorality to young people. She notes that a brief search of websites like or supports her contention.


Reparative Therapies
from Agape Press
by Rusty Pugh

...A report released in Florida recently is claiming that some Christian organizations cause harm to homosexual teenagers by offering parents "reparative therapies" designed to help their children turn away from homosexuality.

According to Associated Press reports, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute has questioned the ethics and the effectiveness of such therapies. The homosexual organization has also warned that officials need to make sure those offering such therapies are licensed counselors as opposed to simply being clergy.

The report was released in Florida because that is the home of Exodus International, the umbrella organization for many Christian ministries that offer to help people overcome homosexual desires.

Alan Chambers, president of Exodus International, counts himself as one of the many former homosexuals who can attest to the success of such ministries.

Dr. Warren Throckmorton, a psychology professor and Christian therapist, points out that, while some homosexual activist groups "have made the elimination of sexual reorientation counseling a central focus of their advocacy efforts," other individuals that have experienced same-sex attraction but choose not to orient their lives around those sexual feelings are "adamant" that sexual reorientation counseling should be made available.

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Myths of homosexuality

The Ten Big Myths of Pro-'Gay' Beliefs
For the full article go to:
Mission America

Myth # 1: Homosexuality is no more risky than heterosexuality. On the contrary, public health studies reveal that homosexual practices are much higher-risk than those of heterosexuals-- and heterosexuals aren’t behaving all that well!

Also much more prevalent among “gays” and “lesbians” is use of alcohol and drugs. Mental health issues are also reported more frequently by homosexuals, including compulsive behaviors.1

1. Paper summarizing many studies on homosexual practices, at The Health Risks of Gay Sex Also, see
The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality

Myth #2: Hate crimes laws are needed to protect homosexuals against the constant threat of violence by ‘homophobic’ people.

While hate crimes laws do exist in a few states and cities, most have rejected adding more penalties to laws when the crime involves homosexuality. Why? Simply because it sets up a system of inequality. Homosexuals become more “worthy” than other people who are victimized in the same way. A little old lady who is robbed and assaulted would see her attacker punished less than the attacker of a homosexual, for the same exact crime.

Hate crime laws, by adding a layer of penalties if a crime involves homosexuals, are a back-door way to gain more status for homosexuality, and put an undeserved eye of suspicion on anyone who doesn’t approve of it. The fact is that the vast majority of Americans don’t approve of homosexuality, but also would never harm anyone who is a homosexual, either. There is no convincing evidence for an epidemic of violence against homosexuals.2

2. An excellent paper on hate crimes laws is
'Hate Crime' Laws Threaten Religious Freedom

Myth #3: It’s been proven that homosexuality is fact, about 10% of the population is homosexual.

Uh, no. The reality is that no such evidence exists. Many people engage in homosexuality for a time, then leave it behind. Ex-homosexuals have told their stories and more are coming forward all the time. Some people live as heterosexuals for decades and then leave a spouse for a homosexual relationship. Also, certain celebrities (Anne Heche, Sinead O’Connor) have had well-publicized changes in preference. And bisexuality is choice, by definition.

There is actually a lot of evidence that homosexuality cannot be inborn.3

3. For an overview of the research problems with a ‘gay’ gene, see
Born or Bred? Science Does Not Support the Claim that Homosexuality is Genetic

Myth #4: Same sex marriages do not threaten current American families in any way...

Because of the differing values of homosexuals, legalizing same sex marriage would substantially change what “marriage” means.4

4. See
Comparing the Lifestyles of Homosexual Couples vs. Married Couples

Many predict other forms of marriage like polygamy would also become legal. Group marriage is quietly supported now by “gay rights” groups and the ACLU...

Myth #5: Ex-homosexuals are fakes; it’s harmful to try to force someone to change their orientation.

Anyone who takes the time to actually read ex-homosexuals’ life stories would have trouble saying the experiences are not authentic. There are currently hundreds of organizations in the U.S. helping people leave the homosexual lifestyle. Not only are they not phony, they are having an amazing impact because (again), homosexuality is not an inborn condition. That’s why the “gay” lobby is desperate to create false and misleading impressions.
It’s ironic that groups claiming to stand for “choice” and tolerance act like rigid bigots when discussing ex-homosexuals.

Myth # 6: Only religions that are tolerant of homosexuality should be allowed to express their opinions in public venues like schools and campuses.

Think about the implications of this intolerant position, which is being adopted all across America by people who claim to be unbiased and inclusive. This sounds very much like fascism, yet many young people have embraced this view, which is built on some of the unfactual myths listed here. What are people afraid of? This flies in the face of what America has always stood for: religious freedom, impartial debate, and free speech. There are some excellent reasons to oppose homosexuality and it’s not just religious people who do so, but those who are willing to examine all the facts.
There are also many misunderstandings about what Christianity actually teaches.
Read on.

Myth #7: God loves everyone, so homosexuality is fine.

God does love everyone, but not our sins, which is the reason Christ died and rose again--to save us from sin. God loves murderers, anorexics and liars-- and wants these people to stop their damage to others and to themselves. It’s the same with homosexuality. Such desires are directly the opposite of positive, healthy choices, and scientists remain unconvinced that any humans are born to become homosexual. Plenty of evidence attests to the damage to the body, mind and spirit resulting from homosexual sex. There are many logical reasons why it remains a sin.

Myth #8:
The Bible does not oppose homosexuality.

If the Bible’s clear passages against homosexuality can’t be believed, it isn’t believable on anything.

Consider: “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22)

And, “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.” (Romans 1:26-27)

And these aren’t the sole passages, but the others are similar and convey the same message: Don’t.

Myth #9: Real Christian love calls for acceptance of homosexuality.

On the contrary, the authentic Christian is characterized by devotion to truth and love as revealed by Christ, not mushy ideas formed by today’s worldly trends.

While Christ is often merciful even to those who have sinned, He never excuses sin or calls it less than what it is.

John the Baptist’s primary message to the world to prepare for Christ was not a call for tolerance; it was a call to repentance. (Matthew 3:2; Mark 1:4) Christ told the woman caught in adultery, “Go and sin no more.” (John 8:11) Love as exemplified by Christ was always framed with His truth and righteousness. Christ said, “He who has my commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me.” (John 14:21) and “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word.” (John 14:23) Real love starts with love of Christ and all He taught.

The passage, “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:1) cautions us to judge carefully without hypocrisy, not to withhold judgment. Four verses later, Christ completes the thought with, “Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” (Matthew 7:5)

Myth #10: Jesus never said anything about homosexuality.

And Jesus is never quoted on the subjects of rape or wife beating either. Would that mean that these actions are okay? Christ was God on earth, and as such, was part of all the Old Testament teaching on sexual morality. The Jews were more than familiar with this, so there was a lot that didn’t need to be re-stated in the New Testament. And Christ specifically described marriage as being “from the beginning” between one man and one woman. (Matthew 19:4-6; Mark 10:6-9).

Christ and the apostles still believed that sexual morality did not include homosexual acts.

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