Myths of homosexuality
The Ten Big Myths of Pro-'Gay' Beliefs
For the full article go to: Mission America
Myth # 1: Homosexuality is no more risky than heterosexuality. On the contrary, public health studies reveal that homosexual practices are much higher-risk than those of heterosexuals-- and heterosexuals aren’t behaving all that well!
Also much more prevalent among “gays” and “lesbians” is use of alcohol and drugs. Mental health issues are also reported more frequently by homosexuals, including compulsive behaviors.1
1. Paper summarizing many studies on homosexual practices, at The Health Risks of Gay Sex Also, see The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality
Myth #2: Hate crimes laws are needed to protect homosexuals against the constant threat of violence by ‘homophobic’ people.
While hate crimes laws do exist in a few states and cities, most have rejected adding more penalties to laws when the crime involves homosexuality. Why? Simply because it sets up a system of inequality. Homosexuals become more “worthy” than other people who are victimized in the same way. A little old lady who is robbed and assaulted would see her attacker punished less than the attacker of a homosexual, for the same exact crime.
Hate crime laws, by adding a layer of penalties if a crime involves homosexuals, are a back-door way to gain more status for homosexuality, and put an undeserved eye of suspicion on anyone who doesn’t approve of it. The fact is that the vast majority of Americans don’t approve of homosexuality, but also would never harm anyone who is a homosexual, either. There is no convincing evidence for an epidemic of violence against homosexuals.2
2. An excellent paper on hate crimes laws is 'Hate Crime' Laws Threaten Religious Freedom
Myth #3: It’s been proven that homosexuality is fact, about 10% of the population is homosexual.
Uh, no. The reality is that no such evidence exists. Many people engage in homosexuality for a time, then leave it behind. Ex-homosexuals have told their stories and more are coming forward all the time. Some people live as heterosexuals for decades and then leave a spouse for a homosexual relationship. Also, certain celebrities (Anne Heche, Sinead O’Connor) have had well-publicized changes in preference. And bisexuality is choice, by definition.
There is actually a lot of evidence that homosexuality cannot be inborn.3
3. For an overview of the research problems with a ‘gay’ gene, see Born or Bred? Science Does Not Support the Claim that Homosexuality is Genetic
Myth #4: Same sex marriages do not threaten current American families in any way...
Because of the differing values of homosexuals, legalizing same sex marriage would substantially change what “marriage” means.4
4. See Comparing the Lifestyles of Homosexual Couples vs. Married Couples
Many predict other forms of marriage like polygamy would also become legal. Group marriage is quietly supported now by “gay rights” groups and the ACLU...
Myth #5: Ex-homosexuals are fakes; it’s harmful to try to force someone to change their orientation.
Anyone who takes the time to actually read ex-homosexuals’ life stories would have trouble saying the experiences are not authentic. There are currently hundreds of organizations in the U.S. helping people leave the homosexual lifestyle. Not only are they not phony, they are having an amazing impact because (again), homosexuality is not an inborn condition. That’s why the “gay” lobby is desperate to create false and misleading impressions. It’s ironic that groups claiming to stand for “choice” and tolerance act like rigid bigots when discussing ex-homosexuals.
Myth # 6: Only religions that are tolerant of homosexuality should be allowed to express their opinions in public venues like schools and campuses.
Think about the implications of this intolerant position, which is being adopted all across America by people who claim to be unbiased and inclusive. This sounds very much like fascism, yet many young people have embraced this view, which is built on some of the unfactual myths listed here. What are people afraid of? This flies in the face of what America has always stood for: religious freedom, impartial debate, and free speech. There are some excellent reasons to oppose homosexuality and it’s not just religious people who do so, but those who are willing to examine all the facts.
There are also many misunderstandings about what Christianity actually teaches.
Read on.
Myth #7: God loves everyone, so homosexuality is fine.
God does love everyone, but not our sins, which is the reason Christ died and rose again--to save us from sin. God loves murderers, anorexics and liars-- and wants these people to stop their damage to others and to themselves. It’s the same with homosexuality. Such desires are directly the opposite of positive, healthy choices, and scientists remain unconvinced that any humans are born to become homosexual. Plenty of evidence attests to the damage to the body, mind and spirit resulting from homosexual sex. There are many logical reasons why it remains a sin.
Myth #8: The Bible does not oppose homosexuality.
If the Bible’s clear passages against homosexuality can’t be believed, it isn’t believable on anything.
Consider: “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22)
And, “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.” (Romans 1:26-27)
And these aren’t the sole passages, but the others are similar and convey the same message: Don’t.
Myth #9: Real Christian love calls for acceptance of homosexuality.
On the contrary, the authentic Christian is characterized by devotion to truth and love as revealed by Christ, not mushy ideas formed by today’s worldly trends.
While Christ is often merciful even to those who have sinned, He never excuses sin or calls it less than what it is.
John the Baptist’s primary message to the world to prepare for Christ was not a call for tolerance; it was a call to repentance. (Matthew 3:2; Mark 1:4) Christ told the woman caught in adultery, “Go and sin no more.” (John 8:11) Love as exemplified by Christ was always framed with His truth and righteousness. Christ said, “He who has my commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me.” (John 14:21) and “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word.” (John 14:23) Real love starts with love of Christ and all He taught.
The passage, “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:1) cautions us to judge carefully without hypocrisy, not to withhold judgment. Four verses later, Christ completes the thought with, “Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” (Matthew 7:5)
Myth #10: Jesus never said anything about homosexuality.
And Jesus is never quoted on the subjects of rape or wife beating either. Would that mean that these actions are okay? Christ was God on earth, and as such, was part of all the Old Testament teaching on sexual morality. The Jews were more than familiar with this, so there was a lot that didn’t need to be re-stated in the New Testament. And Christ specifically described marriage as being “from the beginning” between one man and one woman. (Matthew 19:4-6; Mark 10:6-9).
Christ and the apostles still believed that sexual morality did not include homosexual acts.
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