Wednesday, September 28, 2005

SIECUS promotes condom usage for teens

SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States) and their allies are the first to decry programs that tell the truth about the consequences of sex.

Condoms are not going to be the savior of sexually active teens. Facts about the limitations of condoms are supported by research and medical experts in fully documented reports readily available to the public.

Conscientious teachers have a duty to tell students about incurable viral STDs, infertility, cervical cancer, and AIDS.

SIECUS continues to shame such educators with charges that they are promoting fear. Education based on medically accurate facts is fear-based?

Shame on you, SIECUS.

Fear, if properly used, is a gift. It calls our attention to the dangers around us and gives us the opportunity to avoid those dangers. Gavin De Becker in his bestseller The Gift of Fear explains fear is actually a set of "survival signals that protect us from violence."

Fear is a call of accountability to those who hold the power of information. It requires our attention to detail and our full evaluation of all facts on hand. Crying "fear-based" in the media is no more responsible than crying "fire" in a crowd.

Sex and fear? Not if you are armed with the truth and respect fear as a gift. We owe a debt of thanks to the educators who respect fear as an opportunity to talk truth with the children we love.

Read full article here: Agape Press and here Agape Press
by Jane Jimenez ( a freelance writer dedicated to issues of importance to women and the family.

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It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.
Samuel Adams

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Maine's Homosexual-Rights Bill

The Christian Civic League of Maine hopes voters in that state will once again nullify a bill passed by the legislature and signed by the governor that gives special rights to homosexuals.

This is the third time voters are being called on to stop similar legislation.

Tim Russell, the legislative liaison for the League, says the state's voters will have to use the "people's veto" once again on November 8. He explains that his organization, along with the Maine Grassroots Coalition, gathered the required number of signatures to get the veto measure before the voters. According to Russell, if the bill is not vetoed, it will pave the way for homosexual "marriage" in the state of Maine.

"The governor, in fact, said that he was for homosexual marriage -- but just not now," Russell says. "This highlights the fact that they need this law on the books to make it an easier trip through the legal system." He adds that it is clear that if the law is passed -- and with the presence of a liberal judiciary -- it is "a matter of just bringing suit and letting the judiciary declare homosexual marriage legal in Maine."

Like Florida, and Texas, Maine voters need to get out and be COUNTED!
Read the entire article here: Agape Press

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Florida's Marriage Amendment Under Attack

Read the entire article here: Agape Press

"This is an amendment that is designed to preserve and protect marriage as one man and one woman," Matt Staver of Liberty Council, Liberty Council, explains. "It is designed to prohibit same-sex 'marriage,' polygamy, or polyamory -- like group marriages -- or marriage substitutes like mimicking marriage under a different name. It is an amendment, pure and simple, that will preserve marriage as one man and one woman."

Advocates of homosexual marriage know the initiative will pass if it makes it to the ballot -- just as similar measures have passed in many other states in recent months. Their only hope, he says, is to misrepresent the facts, derail the amendment, and take away voters' opportunity to vote on the measure.

Petitions in both English and Spanish and for insertion into church bulletins are available on the Internet at, website for the Florida Coalition to Protect Marriage.

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Saturday, September 17, 2005

Girl Scouts have an agenda too

Ex-Scout Leader Warns Parents of Girl Scouts of America's Dangerous Agenda
By Ed Thomas

read full article here:
Agape Press

October's Girl Scout Convention in Atlanta will mark the 50th anniversary for the scouting organization, and more of what Patti Garibay describes as an ultra-liberal agenda that flows from the top down nationally.

Patti Garibay, an ex-Girl Scout leader, warns of two speakers at the Girl Scouts' October convention that have liberal, feminist, and pro-abortion ties.

The two speakers are......Dr. Johnnetta Betsch Cole, who is president of Bennett College for Women, is an anthropologist-feminist and also very much a pro-abortion speaker and Kavita Ramdas, who is the president and CEO of the Global Fund for Women. The Global Fund... is little more than a veiled international abortion rights group.

Garibay says many people are still unaware of the secularization of the Girl Scouts and urges parents to investigate the matter for themselves.

Garibay founded her Christian-based alternative civic group called
American Heritage Girls ten years ago, falling back upon the Girl Scouts' "God, flag, and country" roots.

The Girl Scouts; unlike the Boy Scouts who have remained true to their roots and have fought the liberal agendas; have become rather 'new age' in their outlook.

This saddens me as the Girl Scouts use to be such a wonderfully inspiring organization that helped young girls develop into fine women~~who like the Boy Scouts honored God, flag, and country.

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Homosexual lawsuit agenda for public schools

For entire article: Agape Press

By Jim Brown and Jody Brown

Lawsuits Indicative of a Trend

Scott Lively is a
Christian attorney in nearby Temecula. He says he has noticed a trend during his years of following lawsuits filed by homosexual students against schools. The trend, he says, shows that the students typically set up schools for litigation by intentionally behaving provocatively on campus. This, Lively contends, creates a no-lose situation for the homosexual students.

"They either win and usually get a settlement from the school," the attorney says, "or even if the gay and lesbian students don't win, they create a lot of pain for the school officials who have to deal with the lawsuit." According to Lively, such cases rarely ever make it to trial because schools will "cave in and give ... a fairly sizable award." He adds that "there's nothing schools fear more than litigation."

In a very real sense, he says, the homosexual students are "setting up" the school. "They'll file a complaint with the school saying that they're being harassed, somebody's calling them names, or whatever; they'll make several complaints," he explains. "Then they'll file a lawsuit alleging that the school is not doing enough to protect the gay and lesbian students from harassment."

Lively says when homosexual students file such lawsuits, schools are put in a no-win situation and often eventually adopt a "sexual orientation" non-discrimination policy. In order to win the Garden Grove case, says the attorney, the school district must show it has uniformly enforced a policy against public displays of affection.

A policy against public displays of affection in the public schools....well if that is what it takes, so be it. But when did schools become "make-out hotels"?

Their purpose is to educate~~not facilitate dates for hormonal teenagers.

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Friday, September 16, 2005

Planned Parenthood's hurricane Katrina agenda

...Pro-life advocate Jim Sedlak charges Planned Parenthood with exploiting hurricane victims by offering supposedly "free contraceptives." Following the Hurricane Katrina disaster, Planned Parenthood announced that it would provide women with a free month's supply of birth-control pills or a free emergency contraceptive kit.

But Sedlak, head of the American Life League's STOPP International, says the abortion provider is not interested in helping anyone and its "free contraceptives" offer is nothing more than a clever marketing ploy.

He believes this is so "because, when these women come in, they can't just show their driver's license. The Planned Parenthood deal said if you show them a Louisiana or Mississippi product, [the abortion clinic or 'family planning' facility] will give you these free products."

But the STOPP spokesman notes that these are prescription products that the group is offering to patients, "so Planned Parenthood will have to take down all of their information, write a prescription for them, and now will have new prospective customers that they can then market to." Even if the abortion provider does offer the free services and drugs, Sedlak wonders how providing women with assistance in killing their unborn children could be considered an act of relief. by Rusty Pugh Agape Press

Haven't these evacuees gone through enough? Now, they must be bombarded with literature and rhetoric on abortion? To add them to Planned Parenthoods database is just sinister. Makes me wonder how often they have pulled this in other communities.

How many on the roster of Planned Parenthood even KNOW they are on it? How many support PP? It would be interesting to find out.......

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IF they are
"born" this way,

then WHY do they have an

agenda to get their books

and literature into the public


Could it be a LIE?????

You are NOT born this way.

It is a life style choice.

Their actions prove it.

to ensure their future

gay lovers, they must

develop the flesh and minds

of the next generation.

This, so they can have an

inexhaustible supply of fresh,

young flesh to feed their

appetites on.

This is CHILD ABUSE in its

most revile and blatant form.

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