A Gay Easter?
[Guess the White House was hoping it wouldn't come to pass; or that these "activists" would put the children first and tone it down.....only I've never known these gay activists to EVER put the welfare of the children first or to tone anything down.
The more loud, flamboyant, outrageous, and IN-YOUR-FACE it is, the better it is. As I have said before and will repeat again.....this "agenda" is led by adults who are completely self-centered, selfish, and aggressive.]
Update: from Agape Press
by Jenni Parker
...Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth, says homosexual activists' crashing of the April 17 White House Easter Egg Roll is just the latest demonstration of selfishness by adult "gay" activists, who consistently place their agenda ahead of the best interests of children.
Christian Newswire reports that the homosexual group known as the Family Pride Coalition is using the traditional annual White House event as a vehicle to showcase "lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) families" and boasts that over 100 LGBT-led "families" would attend the event, with adults and supporters wearing rainbow-colored Hawaiian leis.
But LaBarbera says these homosexual activists should be ashamed for "exploiting an event designed solely to bring joy to young children" by staging " a crass publicity stunt to promote 'gay parenting.'"
The Americans for Truth spokesman says a recurring motif runs throughout the homosexual agenda, whether activists are "redefining marriage to legitimate sexual sin, indoctrinating impressionable schoolchildren with pro-homosexual lesson plans, legally harassing the Boy Scouts, pushing 'gay adoption' ... or crashing a White House Easter Egg roll ... one common theme stands out: it's all about the 'gay' adults and their desperate need for approval of their lifestyle choice, not what's best for children."
The Family Pride Coalition's publicity stunt "represents a new low in the movement for 'rights' based on aberrant sex," LaBarbera says. It is a pity, he adds, that the homosexual group had to "tarnish a great tradition" like the White House Easter Egg Roll with this "in-your-face political maneuver."
from The Weekly Standard
by Mark Tooley
Wow. Easter may never be the same after this.
Soulforce is planning to "crash" the White House easter egg roll this year. Their goal? To "spotlight" their non-traditional families.
Once America sees the White House lawn awash in LGBT [sounds like a sandwhich~~~lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender population] families, "there will be no going back," Soulforce promised.
[Who is Soulforce?] It is the political organizing tool of self-described "militant gay activist" Mel White, the former Jerry Falwell speech writer who discovered his gayness and became a clergyman in the predominantly homosexual Metropolitan Community Churches.
Over the years, Soulforce has become well known for its disruptive demonstrations and acts of civil disobedience at the conventions of religious denominations that do not share its views on sexual ethics. Invariably these churches, even the liberal mainline ones, are portrayed by Soulforce as "anti-gay."
Soulforce's main partner in crashing the White House Easter Egg roll is the Family Pride Coalition (FPC), which is the "only national non-profit organization solely dedicated to equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) parents and their families."
Recipients of the Soulforce email were asked to be "discreet" and not to post the information on websites because the "success of this action depends on keeping it under the radar of the media and the administration!!!"
Like Soulforce, the FPC also wants its members to be secretive about the plan. A passage on its page about the event reads:
"Important Note: If word about this reaches the administration or any of our opponents, there may be an effort to keep our families from participating. Please tell as many LGBT families as possible about this event, but please DO NOT post a link to this page on a searchable website. It is fine though, to forward the link directly to LGBT families."
[Only evil wishes to hide...]
Agenda buster has the feeling the President has gotten wind of this by now.
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