The Desensitizing of America
Those with an agenda know in order for their agendas to gain acceptance, they must first desensitize Americans. Or as one of my siblings says, they must anesthetize Americans.
It started with violence. Pro-family groups, pediatricians, churches and other groups have long stated that constant exposure to violence IS harmful to our children. They have been stating this since the 70's! Yet, "gory-wood" denies this. (Recent research to support this theory: Agape Press)
In the long run, Americans wimped out and didn't fight "gory-wood" on this issue. So, tv and movies are more violent than ever.
Therefore, is it any surprise that now they are pushing their next agenda on a public that will probably once again DO NOTHING.
"Homo-wood" is now anesthetizing middle America to their pro-homosexual teachings. How?
Repetition, repetition, tv, movies, plays, song, etc.
"The Culture and Family Institute spokesman notes that most television sitcoms have homosexual characters, and that a large percentage of TV dramas have not only homosexual characters but also recurring homosexual themes.
(Bob) Knight believes more Americans are tolerant of homosexuals than ever before -- implying that desensitization through the constant barrage of pro-homosexual content on television and at the theater may be working." from Agape Press by Bill Fancher (I refer to it as the "obligatory gay".)
All you have to do is look at the recent spate of movies that are being "honored" by the pro "homo-wood" crowd this year for the oscars.
1. Brokeback Mountain
2. Capote
3. TransAmerica
Yet, the Johnny Cash pio pic isn't even dominated for best picture and it appears to at least have a message of hope. The Chronicles of Narnia were pretty much ignored. I don't think this surprised many of us.
"Brokeback Mountain reveals the humanist world view for what it is: no grace, no redemption, no higher truth or morality and, in the words of Jean-Paul Sartre, 'no exit.' We are dust that walks and talks for a little while and then returns to dust. If you don't get yours in the little hour in which you strut and fret your part upon the stage, you don't get it--period.
In the Christian world view, allegorized by Narnia's author, C.S. Lewis, we are created by the same Highest Power Who created the universe, Who redeems us by sacrificing Himself, willingly, in the person of His Son. And to the Son, as to the Lion, He has given all power in heaven and earth. We who belong to Him and believe in Him shall live. But we are free to choose the Witch, and to fall when she falls.
Which of these movies expresses your world view?
Which side are you on? "
from Culture and Family Two Films: World Views in Collision by Lee Duigon
As intriguing as 'The Silence of the Lambs' was a few years back, I was rooting for 'Beauty and the Beast' to win. When it didn't, I figured the "hopeful" movie would not be a winner (much less a nominee) again for a very long time. I can truly say, I have not watched an academy award presentation since then!
What kind of viewpoint does hollywood have? It is most definitely a secular world view~~and they can have that viewpoint.
But as a movie lover and patron, I don't have to support it.
As a Christian, I will NOT.
If you profess to be a Christian, you know you should have a
Biblical world view.
You know you should not be supporting those things that are
anti-God and evil.
Conclusion: you should NOT be supporting television shows or movies with these themes.
To do so, you are allowing yourself to become anesthetized to evil.
That was the problem with the nation of Germany during WWII.
If Christian America STOPPED supporting this type of "entertainment" maybe hollywood would get the message and STOP making this swill.
Just what IS the Solution???? It's kinda radical.
TURN OFF your TVs.
FYI: I promise after 3 months of (withdrawal from the drug tv) NO television, you will find yourself NOT missing it!!!!!! You will find you have more time to really do those things you love~~reading, gardening, computing, writing, your hobbies, spending time with your children/family, studying the Word!
In the long run, your family will thank you.
And God will bless you!
Excellent and accurate post once again.
Also note the revenue attained from the 5 movies nominated for oscar combined wasn't even close to the revenue of one film "March of the penguins" or the one film "Chroncicles of Narnia". The thesis for the Oscars was all too obvious.
I personally bought and loved the movie "Walk the Line". I have promoted it to everyone I know.
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