Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Backbones of steel

It is never easy to stand against evil. Especially when the"crowd" is going along with it.

So my admiration for 5 teachers in the San Leandro Unified School District is immense.

Because that is exactly what the Leandro 5 are doing!
[My comments enclosed]

From Agape Press by Jim and Jody Brow

[The Leandro 5] "...are putting their jobs on the line to protect their students from 'propaganda' that homosexual activists have forced into the classroom."

They have "refused to abide by a school district order to display a rainbow flag poster in their classrooms."

"Last week,
WorldNetDaily reported that the five teachers refused to display the poster because of their religious beliefs. But SLUSD superintendent Christine Lim said the policy calling for the poster to be displayed in classrooms is designed to make schools safe for homosexual students."

[This is just BS. Living in the DEEP SOUTH, we haven't seen nor heard reports of abuse toward homosexual students here~~where you might expect to do so since we are rednecks.

So you know in gay happy San Francisco, and liberal tolerant California this is a NON-ISSUE. It is a ploy and nothing more to force these teachers to do something they consider evil!]

However, Bob Knight of the
Culture and Family Institute (CFI) takes issue with that statement. He believes Lim's talk of safety is cover for the homosexual agenda. "What (such policies) produce is intolerance toward anyone who won't accept homosexuality," he says, adding that in this case, that means "teachers who know that it's not a good thing to sell kids on the idea that it's okay to be gay."

According to Knight, the heated debate going on at San Leandro High is not about safety at all. "This is about bullying people and saying you will kneel down and bow to the Baal god of homosexuality -- or we'll make your life very miserable," he says.

The CFI spokesman maintains the school district is demonstrating intolerance toward the five teachers who are choosing not to display the posters -- and those teachers, he adds, are courageous for standing up to the mandate. [Amen!]

"The school district has no business telling teachers to glorify behavior that has such a long list of known health risks," Knight says. "This ought to be treated as a public health issue -- not a matter of civil rights, as (homosexual activists) like to frame it." [This principal and EVERY teacher supporting this should face charges of child abuse. To encourage children to experiment with a lifestyle that has such deadly consequences IS child abuse.]

"When you put a rainbow poster up in your classroom, you're lending the authority of the teacher to the gay-rights movement," he explains. In essence, says Knight, the district is saying: "Kids, go ahead and try this behavior. Even your teacher is for it."

The principal says she expects to see the posters up in all 200 classrooms this week, and will have "a private conversation" with any teacher who is not in compliance with the policy. [Can we say, COERCION??? HOW ABOUT LAWSUIT?????]


Support the Leandro 5 and send a message to this school district that what they are doing is unconstitutional. Email superintendent Lim clim@sanleandro.k12.ca.us or call (510) 667-3522

You cannot force someone to support that which they consider evil. To do so, gives birth to tyranny. And we just aren't going to tolerate a Hitler in America.

Support the Leandro 5!!

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Blogger Unknown said...

Geez. I wonder if they are allowing the classes to have In God we Trust> since that is also a right.

4:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I just fired the email below. I doubt I will get a reply.
I just recently learned of your intolerence toward those teachers on religious basis. I find it unacceptable for you to promote one lifestyle over another. I understand you wish to engage in a no-tolerance for bullying. However, your actions on the 5 teachers only promotes what you may be trying to decline.

I would invite you to rethink your position before you have a PR issue.

4:18 AM  

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