Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Backbones of steel

It is never easy to stand against evil. Especially when the"crowd" is going along with it.

So my admiration for 5 teachers in the San Leandro Unified School District is immense.

Because that is exactly what the Leandro 5 are doing!
[My comments enclosed]

From Agape Press by Jim and Jody Brow

[The Leandro 5] "...are putting their jobs on the line to protect their students from 'propaganda' that homosexual activists have forced into the classroom."

They have "refused to abide by a school district order to display a rainbow flag poster in their classrooms."

"Last week,
WorldNetDaily reported that the five teachers refused to display the poster because of their religious beliefs. But SLUSD superintendent Christine Lim said the policy calling for the poster to be displayed in classrooms is designed to make schools safe for homosexual students."

[This is just BS. Living in the DEEP SOUTH, we haven't seen nor heard reports of abuse toward homosexual students here~~where you might expect to do so since we are rednecks.

So you know in gay happy San Francisco, and liberal tolerant California this is a NON-ISSUE. It is a ploy and nothing more to force these teachers to do something they consider evil!]

However, Bob Knight of the
Culture and Family Institute (CFI) takes issue with that statement. He believes Lim's talk of safety is cover for the homosexual agenda. "What (such policies) produce is intolerance toward anyone who won't accept homosexuality," he says, adding that in this case, that means "teachers who know that it's not a good thing to sell kids on the idea that it's okay to be gay."

According to Knight, the heated debate going on at San Leandro High is not about safety at all. "This is about bullying people and saying you will kneel down and bow to the Baal god of homosexuality -- or we'll make your life very miserable," he says.

The CFI spokesman maintains the school district is demonstrating intolerance toward the five teachers who are choosing not to display the posters -- and those teachers, he adds, are courageous for standing up to the mandate. [Amen!]

"The school district has no business telling teachers to glorify behavior that has such a long list of known health risks," Knight says. "This ought to be treated as a public health issue -- not a matter of civil rights, as (homosexual activists) like to frame it." [This principal and EVERY teacher supporting this should face charges of child abuse. To encourage children to experiment with a lifestyle that has such deadly consequences IS child abuse.]

"When you put a rainbow poster up in your classroom, you're lending the authority of the teacher to the gay-rights movement," he explains. In essence, says Knight, the district is saying: "Kids, go ahead and try this behavior. Even your teacher is for it."

The principal says she expects to see the posters up in all 200 classrooms this week, and will have "a private conversation" with any teacher who is not in compliance with the policy. [Can we say, COERCION??? HOW ABOUT LAWSUIT?????]


Support the Leandro 5 and send a message to this school district that what they are doing is unconstitutional. Email superintendent Lim clim@sanleandro.k12.ca.us or call (510) 667-3522

You cannot force someone to support that which they consider evil. To do so, gives birth to tyranny. And we just aren't going to tolerate a Hitler in America.

Support the Leandro 5!!

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The Desensitizing of America

Those with an agenda know in order for their agendas to gain acceptance, they must first desensitize Americans. Or as one of my siblings says, they must anesthetize Americans.

It started with violence. Pro-family groups, pediatricians, churches and other groups have long stated that constant exposure to violence IS harmful to our children. They have been stating this since the 70's! Yet, "gory-wood" denies this. (Recent research to support this theory: Agape Press)

In the long run, Americans wimped out and didn't fight "gory-wood" on this issue. So, tv and movies are more violent than ever.

Therefore, is it any surprise that now they are pushing their next agenda on a public that will probably once again DO NOTHING.

"Homo-wood" is now anesthetizing middle America to their pro-homosexual teachings. How?

Repetition, repetition, repetition.....in tv, movies, plays, song, etc.

"The Culture and Family Institute spokesman notes that most television sitcoms have homosexual characters, and that a large percentage of TV dramas have not only homosexual characters but also recurring homosexual themes.

(Bob) Knight believes more Americans are tolerant of homosexuals than ever before -- implying that desensitization through the constant barrage of pro-homosexual content on television and at the theater may be working." from
Agape Press by Bill Fancher (I refer to it as the "obligatory gay".)

All you have to do is look at the recent spate of movies that are being "honored" by the pro "homo-wood" crowd this year for the oscars.

1. Brokeback Mountain
2. Capote
3. TransAmerica

Yet, the Johnny Cash pio pic isn't even dominated for best picture and it appears to at least have a message of hope. The Chronicles of Narnia were pretty much ignored. I don't think this surprised many of us.

"Brokeback Mountain reveals the humanist world view for what it is: no grace, no redemption, no higher truth or morality and, in the words of Jean-Paul Sartre, 'no exit.' We are dust that walks and talks for a little while and then returns to dust. If you don't get yours in the little hour in which you strut and fret your part upon the stage, you don't get it--period.

In the Christian world view, allegorized by Narnia's author, C.S. Lewis, we are created by the same Highest Power Who created the universe, Who redeems us by sacrificing Himself, willingly, in the person of His Son. And to the Son, as to the Lion, He has given all power in heaven and earth. We who belong to Him and believe in Him shall live. But we are free to choose the Witch, and to fall when she falls.

Which of these movies expresses your world view?

Which side are you on? "

Culture and Family Two Films: World Views in Collision by Lee Duigon

As intriguing as 'The Silence of the Lambs' was a few years back, I was rooting for 'Beauty and the Beast' to win. When it didn't, I figured the "hopeful" movie would not be a winner (much less a nominee) again for a very long time. I can truly say, I have not watched an academy award presentation since then!

What kind of viewpoint does hollywood have? It is most definitely a secular world view~~and they can have that viewpoint.

But as a movie lover and patron, I don't have to support it.

As a Christian, I will NOT.

If you profess to be a Christian, you know you should have a
Biblical world view.

You know you should not be supporting those things that are
anti-God and evil.

Conclusion: you should NOT be supporting television shows or movies with these themes.

To do so, you are allowing yourself to become anesthetized to evil.

That was the problem with the nation of Germany during WWII.

If Christian America STOPPED supporting this type of "entertainment" maybe hollywood would get the message and STOP making this swill.

Just what IS the Solution???? It's kinda radical.

TURN OFF your TVs.

FYI: I promise after 3 months of (withdrawal from the drug tv) NO television, you will find yourself NOT missing it!!!!!! You will find you have more time to really do those things you love~~reading, gardening, computing, writing, your hobbies, spending time with your children/family, studying the Word!

In the long run, your family will thank you.

And God will bless you!

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Views on Pornography

Differ Among Sexes

from Agape Press

"A Harris Poll in September 2004 revealed women to be much more critical of pornography, in general, than men.

At the same time, a slightly larger number of women over men favor government regulation of online pornography, if such were possible.

Specifically, 57 percent of women believe "pornography is demeaning towards women" as compared to 38 percent of men.

In addition, 47 percent of women and 33 percent of men believe porn "harms relationships between men and women."

No wonder women feel like there are no GOOD men out there. Statistically, we're a bunch of jerks!

"While there was no unanimity regarding the impact of pornography on children, both men and women agreed the effects were mostly negative. Only 2 percent said 'it helps kids better understand sexuality.' "

Want to bet that 2% are the "Sex by 8 or it's too late" crowd????

from Agape Press by Jenni Parker

"Victoria Cobb A spokesperson for the group Family Foundation Action is expressing dismay over the Governor of Virginia's apparent reversal of his position regarding legislation that would allow voters to weigh in on an amendment defining marriage being added to their state's Constitution.

Cobb finds it "obviously disappointing" that Governor Tim Kaine would change his position after less than two weeks in office."

Well, he's in office now and doesn't need these people anymore. What can you do?

Can we say

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Let the Democracy work....let the people decide!

Another liberal judge has determined that he alone knows what is best for the entire state of Maryland! In a government BY the people, it should be the people who decide what they will support. Radical thought!

Agape Press by Allie Martin

"Baltimore City Circuit Judge M. Brooke Murdock overturned a Maryland law that recognized marriage as being valid only between a man and a woman. This Tuesday, a public hearing takes place in Annapolis on a proposed constitutional amendment that would protect traditional marriage.

Don Dwyer, a Republican delegate says Democratic lawmakers are trying to derail the amendment before it gets out of committee.

...it’s a sad day when partisan politics rules over the moral values of the citizens of the state, which we represent as members of the legislature.

Dwyer feels the legislature has the duty and the responsibility to deal with this issue, and to put it before the citizens for a vote."

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Monday, January 23, 2006

Government Websites supporting an agenda

Since when is it the governments job to be an advocate for the homosexual movement?

I don't care that the government has "gay" people working in it.

The purpose of government is to govern the people; not be a spokesperson for a special interest group. In fact, the government should at ALL times be impartial to special interest groups.

The fact that this government has given MY tax payer money to support something that I do NOT support really angers me.

Don't believe our government has done this?
Government website read it and scream......

from Agape Press
by Jim Brown

Columnist Dr. Warren Throckmorton says the website contain erroneous information and also notes that the website touts information from homosexual advocacy groups.

This is an improper use of taxpayer money to post information from homosexual advocacy groups on a government website.

The danger in this, says Throckmorton, is that "the person seeking this information on a government website would have no idea that this is advocacy-related information."

UPDATE: 1/25/06

...The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has removed an agency website containing numerous pages of what some conservatives called "pro-homosexual propaganda."

The website of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration boasted of "celebrating the pride and diversity among and within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations."

The Family Research Council had called on the government to take down the site. Conservative columnist Dr. Warren Throckmorton said the website contained inaccurate statistics and was a waste of tax dollars.

[Just as the 'other' side has known all along.....ACTIVISM works. Let YOUR voice be heard. No more fence straddling America. You are going to have to choose sides. Tolerance and compromise VS. Righteousness.

Revelation 3:15 I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish you were one or the other!

19:7 Let us rejoice and be glad and honor Him. For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself. She is permitted to wear the finest white linen. (Only the righteous, those covered by the blood of the Lamb of God; those who've followed His teachings~~all of His teachings~~will participate in the feast. Compromisers to evil have joined with evil.)

Romans 12:21 Don't let evil get the best of you, but conquer evil by doing good.]

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Letter to the churches

Agenda buster found this to be interesting and faith affirming. I applaud these men and women of God for standing firm on His principals as handed down through the Holy Bible.
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This item is from the Institute on Religion and Democracy: staying true to the correct, closest Biblical interpretation on homosexuality

:Institute on Religion and Democracy

An Open Letter from Association for Church Renewal Leaders

And you, who once were estranged and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he [Christ] has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and irreproachable before him, provided that you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which has been preached to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister. (Colossians 1:21-23, RSV)

Sisters and Brothers in the Lord:

We, renewal leaders in various North American Protestant denominations, write you with thanksgiving for Christ's great work of reconciliation and sanctification. It is our only hope in life and death.

We encourage you to remain steadfast in your faith in Christ's work, looking to him as the sole source of unity and purity within his church. There are constantly shifting alternatives that offer a false, cheap peace. But we urge you not to let go of the true and costly peace won by Jesus Christ.

As many of us gathered October 17-18 in Arlington, Virginia, we noted a shifting situation in several denominations. This letter is our attempt to alert you to these new developments.

The debate within our churches over biblical standards for human sexuality may be entering a new phase. For decades, revisionists have argued that the Scriptures, properly understood, do not prohibit homosexuality as it is practiced today. Indeed, they have insisted that biblical values of "justice" require the acceptance of homosexual relationships.

Increasingly, however, the arguments have shifted. We now see, in several denominations, a new strategy to win the church's affirmation of homosexual acts. This new strategy is less direct. It is offered as a "compromise," a "third way." Yet the effect would be the same: to undermine and ultimately to set aside the historic Christian teaching that affirms God's good gift of sexual intimacy solely within the marriage of man and woman.

We stand opposed to this false "third way," with the same firmness with which we opposed the earlier attempts to re-interpret the Bible. We warn you to beware such "compromises" that give away too much.

The essence of the new strategy is this: to leave in church law books the orthodox standards calling Christians to fidelity in marriage and sexual abstinence in singleness, while inventing procedural devices permitting church bodies and officials to disregard the standards at will. This strategy has been proposed-and, in some cases, functionally adopted-in the Episcopal Church, the American Baptist Churches, the United Methodist Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Insofar as it succeeds in some of those denominations, the strategy will likely be replicated elsewhere.

This strategy marks, in some ways, a retreat by the pro-homosexuality advocates. Tacitly, they are conceding that the weight of biblical and traditional Christian teaching is against them. They have not been able adequately to answer the powerful exegesis buttressing that teaching, represented especially by Robert Gagnon's masterwork The Bible and Homosexual Practice. The pro-homosexuality advocates have not persuaded most church members to abandon the historic teaching. For this indirect vindication of the truth, we must all be grateful to God.

Yet we cannot be content with standards that remain on paper while being emptied of all force. This false "compromise" would be, in some respects, more damaging than a straightforward blessing of homosexual relations. Not only would it convey tolerance of sin in the important area of sexuality, but it would also set the church adrift more generally.

This "third way" would sever the church's practice from its doctrine. It would set a terrible precedent of a church openly acknowledging a biblical command and then treating obedience to that command as optional. If denominations start granting exemptions from church discipline in one area, it will be very difficult to maintain any kind of covenant of mutual accountability within the church. No promise of ecclesiastical peace and unity can justify these distortions of the church's theology and polity.

Advocates for this "third way" make arguments that strain credibility to the breaking point. They claim that they are "proposing no changes" to the church's standards. But in fact they are seeking a radical change-to demote the standards to "non-essential" status. They claim that their "compromise" would split the difference between traditionalist and revisionist views on sexuality. But in fact it would yield exactly the result desired by the revisionists-moral approbation of non-marital sex-on a slightly longer timeline.

"Third way" proponents also claim that their solution would strike a balance between different interpretations of the Scriptures. When two interpretations are mutually contradictory, these proponents want to accept both the one and the other as equally valid. They urge the church to "get beyond yes/no polarities" that force it to make painful choices. Their "third way" would avoid such choices by affirming all individuals interpreting the Bible as sincere and faithful Christians.

This approach is utter nonsense. The Bible is filled with unavoidable yes/no choices: "I set before you life and death, blessing and curse" (Deuteronomy 30:19); "Choose this day whom you will serve" (Joshua 24:15); "He will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left" (Matthew 25:33); "Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you" (Revelation 3:20).

A church that systematically refuses to choose between truth and error has no place left to stand. To the extent that any church declines to distinguish the better from the worse biblical interpretations, it undercuts its own ability to teach clear doctrine from the Scriptures.

The existence of different interpretations does not imply that all those interpretations are equally valid. Nor does it imply that all interpreters are equally faithful. On the contrary, it is more likely that every interpreter falls short of complete faithfulness-to a greater or lesser degree. The church cannot give unconditional affirmation to all its members' personal views of Scripture. It always has the responsibility to seek the most faithful interpretation and to act upon it.

We are convinced-by the consistent testimony of the Scriptures and the Church Universal, through the ages and around the world-that the fidelity in marriage and abstinence in singleness standard remains the most faithful interpretation of God's will for human sexuality. This is an essential component of our calling in the Lord Jesus and our sanctification through the Holy Spirit, who purposes to "present [us] holy and blameless and irreproachable before him." We ask you to stand steadfast with us in rejecting any compromise that would shift Christ's church away from that godly endeavor.

Sara L. Anderson, Executive Vice President, Bristol House, Ltd. (United Methodist)
The Rev. James D. Berkley, Interim Director, Presbyterian Action for Faith & Freedom
Verna M. and Dr. Robert H. Blackburn, National Alliance of Covenanting Congregations (United Church of Canada)
The Rev. Karen Booth, Executive Director, Transforming Congregations (United Methodist)
Pastor Mark C. Chavez, Director, WordAlone Network (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
The Rev. Susan Cyre, Executive Director, Presbyterians for Faith, Family, and Ministry
The Rt. Rev. Robert Duncan, Episcopal Bishop of Pittsburgh, Moderator of the Anglican Communion Network
The Rev. Thomas J. Edwards, Executive Director, New Wineskins Initiative (Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.))
The Rev. Dr. Ira Gallaway, Confessing Movement (United Methodist)
Dr. Scott M. Gibson, President, American Baptist Evangelicals
The Rev. Dr. Donna Hailson, pastor, author, former professor (American Baptist)
The Rev. James V. Heidinger, President, Good News (United Methodist)
The Rev. Arthur Hiley, Vice President, National Alliance of Covenanting Congregations (United Church of Canada)
The Rev. Harold S. Martin, Editor, Brethren Revival Fellowship (Church of the Brethren)
Craig Alan Myers, Chairman, Brethren Revival Fellowship (Church of the Brethren)
The Rev. Bill Nicoson, Executive Director, American Baptist Evangelicals
Dr. Thomas C. Oden, board member, Confessing Movement (United Methodist) The Rev. David Runnion-Bareford, Executive Director, Biblical Witness Fellowship (United Church of Christ)
Terry Schlossberg, Executive Director, Presbyterian Coalition
Faye Short, President, RENEW Network (United Methodist)
David and Jean Leu Stanley, Chairman and Steering Committee member, UMAction (United Methodist)
The Rev. Vernon Stoop, Executive Director, Focus Renewal Ministries in the United Church of Christ
The Rev. Michael Walker, Executive Director, Presbyterians for Renewal
The Rev. Roland J. Wells, Jr., Vice President, Great Commission Network (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
The Rev. Todd H. Wetzel, Executive Director, Anglicans United
The Rev. Parker T. Williamson, Editor and Chief Executive Officer, Presbyterian Lay Committee
Alan Wisdom, Interim President, Institute on Religion and Democracy, elder in Presbyterian Church (U.S.A)

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The gift of life

NOT! No, more like the gift of a death sentence.

Donor Network Right to Refuse Organs from Homosexual, Says Christian Doc
By Mary Rettig from
Agape Press

Friends and family of a Tucson man are crying discrimination after the homosexual man's organs were rejected by the Donor Network of Arizona.

However, a Kansas surgeon who works in organ transplantation says the decision was a good one. [Sorry, but I wouldn't want an organ from a known homosexual. HIV is hard to detect in its earliest stages; why would anyone who needed an organ want to risk it? They wouldn't.]

A spokesman from the Network says the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta has established guidelines allowing centers to reject donations from men who have had sex with men in the last five years. Dr. David Pauls, a spokesman for the Christian Medical Association, says those guidelines are needed regardless -- even if the donor is HIV negative, as in Albert Soto's [active homosexual] case.

"Number one, HIV in early stages cannot be detected on testing [see!]; it takes a little bit (of time) there," Pauls explains. "But even if he's HIV negative, there's other infectious diseases that are fairly common within the homosexual population -- particularly hepatitis, which can be a very deadly complication in somebody who receives a transplant, and that sometimes also can be missed by screening."

Pauls says the organ donation and transplant business is heavily reliant on trust. "Trust is probably one of the most valuable commodities we have," he says. "If I ... as a physician am going to be doing a transplant, I'm want to do everything I can to make sure that the organs or the tissue that I'm transplanting is safe and is not going to cause other problems or other diseases in that patient."

Transplant patients, he says, obviously should have the same concerns. In Soto's case, Pauls says the man's risky sexual behavior makes using his organs a high risk for the recipient, who otherwise might be put in a position of being exposed to deadly infections. Meanwhile, Soto's family is petitioning officials in Tucson to change the CDC guidelines. [Let's hope the CDC doesn't listen to them. Selfish, even unto death.] The man died after suffering a stroke on Thanksgiving Day.

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