Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Florida's Marriage Amendment Under Attack

Read the entire article here: Agape Press

"This is an amendment that is designed to preserve and protect marriage as one man and one woman," Matt Staver of Liberty Council, Liberty Council, explains. "It is designed to prohibit same-sex 'marriage,' polygamy, or polyamory -- like group marriages -- or marriage substitutes like mimicking marriage under a different name. It is an amendment, pure and simple, that will preserve marriage as one man and one woman."

Advocates of homosexual marriage know the initiative will pass if it makes it to the ballot -- just as similar measures have passed in many other states in recent months. Their only hope, he says, is to misrepresent the facts, derail the amendment, and take away voters' opportunity to vote on the measure.

Petitions in both English and Spanish and for insertion into church bulletins are available on the Internet at, website for the Florida Coalition to Protect Marriage.

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Blogger On Lawn said...

Hey like the site.

I borrowed this article for my own site. It works very well with news from the North today.

10:28 AM  

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