Monday, October 10, 2005

The Sexual Revolution is a


Sex, drugs and rock & roll. The 60's mantra for an entire generation. What a legacy to give future generations~~our children and grandchildren. STD's (sexually transmitted diseases) are on the rise while it appears teen age pregnancy is on the decline. How?

The Medical Institute for Sexual Health (MISH) critiques the latest report from the American Academy of Pediatrics on their policy update on teen pregnancy. They state that the Academy simply rehashes "...old, failed arguments which suggest that condoms and contraceptives are the primary solution for the teen pregnancy problem."

MISH reports that 50% of sexually active teens are already infected with humanpapilloma virus (HPV). So what, right? This virus is the cause in 99% of all cervical cancers. It is causing as many death in women as AIDS.

10% of active teens are infected with chlamydia which can result in the sterilization of the individual. At 15 or 16 years of age, what a teen wants for their life will be different from what they want at 30 or 35. So, while they may think "no big deal, I don't care if I never have children"; at an older age may cause severe depression because in fact they do want a child and no longer can do so.

20% of sexually active teens are already infected with genital herpes which is a life-long problem for both partners.

Planned Parenthood or the public schools pushing condoms rather than abstinence are not doing these teens any favors. Condoms only reduce the risks to chlamydia, gonorrhea, and herpes ~~even when used 100% of the time~~down to 50% protection! And how many teens will remember to use a condom 100% of the time?

Condoms offer NO PROTECTION against HPV!

MISH goes on to state that sexually active teens are more prone to depression and suicide than their virginal counterparts.

•Sexually active girls are more than 3 times more likely to be depressed than are girls who are not sexually active. Boys who are sexually active are more than twice as likely to be depressed as are those who are not sexually active.
• Sexually active girls are nearly 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than are girls who are not sexually active. Sexually active boys are 8 times more likely to attempt suicide than are boys who are not sexually active.

Gee, you think self-respect or lack thereof may be playing a part here in this?

They also point out that teens that are sexually active will have more life-time sexual partners and this increases their exposure to STD's. It is a nice way of saying that promiscuity has CONSEQUENCES.

There have been great advances in the study of neuroscience. New studies about the
adolescent brain shows that their prefrontal cortex does not develop fully until their mid twenties. It is the prefrontal cortex that is the source of mature decision making.

Since teenagers are literal thinkers, bluntness is the only way to explain the consequences of their choices. Most young people cannot envision the consequences to their choices or actions.

MISH also points out that the American Academy of Pediatrics has NOT taken into consideration the abstinence programs that have been SUCCESSFUL in lowering teen pregnancies!

"The American Academy of Pediatrics has done a great disservice to American adolescents for whom they are presumed to care. They have also done a disservice to parents and policy makers.

It would be appropriate for the American Academy of Pediatrics to immediately consider the "whole child," including the issues of psychosocial problems, increased number of sexual partners, increased risk of STI, and the limitations of condoms and contraceptives, and retract or modify this report.

In doing so, it should also emphasize the importance of parents guiding young people away from risk behavior, and should not be fatalistic about young people.

The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy consistently shows in its annual surveys that 90 percent of teens feel that they need a strong message about sexual abstinence all the way through the completion of high school.

Why aren't schools, health care providers, ACLU, Planned Parenthood listening?

In these same surveys, 2/3 of teens consistently say that it is wrong for teens, through the completion of high school, to have sexual intercourse whether they use protection or not, and 2/3 of teens who have had sexual intercourse wish they had waited.

It is incumbent on the American Academy of Pediatrics to consider these opinions of teens.

Their adolescent specialists probably see a high risk group of teenagers and for those young people they undoubtedly give excellent care. It would be best for them not to be so pessimistic about the great majority of young people who do not fall into the category of high risk teens.

We need to encourage American culture to support teens in making the very best decisions. We should help them decide not to be sexually active before they are married and that they should return to sexual abstinence if they are presently sexually involved."


First-year Findings from Federal Longitudinal Study on Abstinence-Education

Read it here:

The Medical Institute

These are the findings of a five-year longitudinal study following youth in four abstinence-education programs. It reveals that students who participate in abstinence-education programs have a fuller understanding of the consequences of early sexual activity and are more likely to recognize the avoidance of sexual behavior as a positive choice.

This report is further evidence that abstinence-education programs are having a positive impact on the lives of students.

Wow, sounds like God had it right to begin with. Sexual intercourse is meant to be between a married couple. Sexual purity is nothing to ridicule, scoff at, or denigrate~~
not if you profess to love children.

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