SIECUS promotes condom usage for teens
SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States) and their allies are the first to decry programs that tell the truth about the consequences of sex.
Condoms are not going to be the savior of sexually active teens. Facts about the limitations of condoms are supported by research and medical experts in fully documented reports readily available to the public.
Conscientious teachers have a duty to tell students about incurable viral STDs, infertility, cervical cancer, and AIDS.
SIECUS continues to shame such educators with charges that they are promoting fear. Education based on medically accurate facts is fear-based?
Shame on you, SIECUS.
Fear, if properly used, is a gift. It calls our attention to the dangers around us and gives us the opportunity to avoid those dangers. Gavin De Becker in his bestseller The Gift of Fear explains fear is actually a set of "survival signals that protect us from violence."
Fear is a call of accountability to those who hold the power of information. It requires our attention to detail and our full evaluation of all facts on hand. Crying "fear-based" in the media is no more responsible than crying "fire" in a crowd.
Sex and fear? Not if you are armed with the truth and respect fear as a gift. We owe a debt of thanks to the educators who respect fear as an opportunity to talk truth with the children we love.
Read full article here: Agape Press and here Agape Press
by Jane Jimenez ( a freelance writer dedicated to issues of importance to women and the family.
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It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.
Samuel Adams
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